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Old 11-09-2018, 07:39 AM
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9 November 1918

More than you might realize. Today's post:
Western Front
: Germans in general retreat on British Second Army front; British take Tournai.
Sambre: Guards Division battalion (Third Army) occupies Maubeuge. BEF Fourth Army organizes Major-General Bethell’s mobile force (including 5th Cavalry Brigade and 5 armoured cars) to pursue Germans across Belgian frontier east of Avesnes (until November 11).
Aisne: French capture Hirson rail junction.

Southern Front
Austro-Hungarian and German planes damaged at a captured aerodrome in Campoformido, Italy: © Q 108874:

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Alexandretta occupied by Entente naval forces.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Eastern Atlantic
: Last U-boat sunk: U-34 (sinker of 121 ships of 262,886t since 1915) sunk off Gibraltar by British ex-Q-ship Privet and minelayers.
Atlantic: The pre-dreadnought battleship H.M.S. Britannia sunk by submarine UB-50 off Cape Trafalgar, resulting in 50 deaths (last warship so lost). British battleship HMS Britannia:
North Sea: Grand Fleet heavily afflicted by flu, 2 captains die. U-boat Commander Michelsen orders last c.20 loyal U-boats and small craft to home ports.
Rhodesia: Kasama taken by Colonel von Lettow-Vorbeck's force (see 1st and 13th).

Political, etc
Between Allied Powers
: Joint Declaration by British and French Governments regarding future occupation of Syria and Mesopotamia.
Austria: Emperor Karl to his advisers ‘I will not abdicate and I will not flee the country’.
Hungary: Reported resignation of Marghiloman Cabinet at Jassy; General Coanda to form New Cabinet
Germany: Revolution breaks out in Berlin. German Imperial Chancellor Prince Max announces that the Kaiser has decided to abdicate, as Philipp Scheidemann proclaims German Republic from Reichstag, Prince Max becomes Regent. Herr Friedrich Ebert becomes Imperial Chancellor (see 10th, 28th and October 4th). Prince Max becomes Regent (having announced Kaiser’s abdication) and Ebert becomes Chancellor. General Wilhelm Groener (after 39 division, brigade and regiment commanders give Army’s opinion), tells Kaiser at Spa Army will not follow him (‘Treason, gentlemen, barefaced treason!’). Groener boldly states ‘The Army will march back home under its own generals in good order but not under the leadership of Your Majesty’. Kaiser retorts ‘I require that statement in writing, I want all the commanding generals to state … that the Army no longer stands behind its Supreme Commander. Has it not taken an oath on the colors?’ Groener replies that in this situation oaths lose their meaning. Saxony declared a Republic. Eisner Prime Minister and Foreign Minister in Bavaria.
Majority socialist Philipp Scheidemann proclaims the German Republic from a window of the Reichstag “The old and rotten, the monarchy has collapsed. The new may live. Long live the German Republic!”:
Kaiser tells Reinhard Scheer (at Spa) ‘I no longer have a Navy’. Franz von Hipper’s flagship hoists red flag and he goes ashore.
Karl Liebknecht Sparticists seize Old Palace and hang red flag. Republic of Hesse declared. Krupp Works at Essen close; Gustav Krupp decides to keep pre-war workers (November 10) and sends 70,000 (including over 30,000 Poles) home with 2 weeks pay and rail tickets (until November 18).
Herr Kurt Eisner assumes Prime Ministry and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bavarian Republic.
Max von Baden:
Poland: Polish Government formed at Lyublin.
United Kingdom: Lloyd George in Guildhall speech says Germany’s choice immediate surrender or worse fate.
Lloyd George on Kaiser’s abdication ‘Was there ever a more dramatic judgment?’
A surgical ward in Winchester, England:
Italy: Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando Rome speech claims ‘it is a Roman victory’.
Romania: Romanian ultimatum to Marshal von Mackensen: German troops to leave Romania within 24 hours.
United States: Woodrow Wilson directs Herbert Hoover to Europe (in London November 23) for food relief.
Switzerland: Swiss Federation of Workmen's Unions orders general strike.
Emerging States: Czechoslovakian official addressing crowds in Prague. The country proclaimed its independence from Austria-Hungary on October 28th: © IWM (Q 112683):
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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