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Old 10-07-2018, 10:20 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
Pixie's Resident Reptile
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7 October 1918

Western Front
British advance north of Scarpe river.
Heavy French fighting all along their line; they take Berry-au-Bac (Aisne river).
Americans drive enemy back south-east of Grand Pre.
France: Supreme War Council learns new German Chancellor has approached President Wilson with request for armistice.
French railway guns in firing position:
The ruins of Merville, France: © IWM (Q 78783):
King Albert of Belgium and French Marshal Foch reviewing the troops at Houthem Aerodrome, Belgium:
American artillery firing in a ditch behind a road: © IWM (Q 101504):

Eastern Front
South Russia
: General Berthelot proposes Salonika army use in South Russia to Clemenceau to protect Denikin’s White build up; Franchet d’Esperey opposes on October 27.
Volga: Red Fourth Army retakes Samara. (Red Eastern Front now 103,000 soldiers; 298 guns and 1,627 MGs strong.)
North Russia: US 339th Infantry coy wins skirmish at Borok, but Reds force Allied outposts back (October 9-10). Allies retreat 20 miles to Kurgomin-Tulgas (October 13-17) and repel Red attack (October 23).

Southern Front
: Supreme Allied War Council decides Salonika Army will march east through Thrace to Constantinople, Milne to command (October 10), ready with 4 divisions on October 29.
Albania: Elbasan taken by Italian forces (see February 2nd, 1916).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: British occupy Sidon (aka Saida). British and French troops enter and complete the capture the city of Beirut (Lebanon) without any Ottoman resistance. A view of the city:

Political, etc
: Vice-Admiral Ritter von Mann appointed German Naval Secretary.
Russia: M. Alexander Guchkov (Minister of War for the Provisional Government) executed by Bolsheviks.
Poland: Poles in Warsaw proclaim independence, as do deputies in German Reichstag.
United States: U.S. solid views on answer to be given to Central Powers.
Sir Edward Geddes and Naval Mission arrive New York.
The streets of Cincinnati are empty as the city observes “auto-less day” to conserve fuel:
“Salomé,” American film starring Theda Bara, is released. Church groups protest the film for combining biblical stories with sexual themes (the film is considered lost today):
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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