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Old 07-01-2018, 10:20 AM
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1 July 1918

Western Front
Major A.S.C. MacLaren makes the first flight between England and Egypt, flying a Handley Page O/400 between Cranwell and Cairo.
Aisne: French capture St. Pierre Aigle (village north-west of Forest of Villers-Cotterets).
Americans capture Vaux (west of Chateau-Thierry).
Aerial view of Vaux:
British air raids on Mannheim, Coblenz, Thionville and Treves.
Flanders: Reformed BEF Fifth Army (6 divisions) takes over Bethune-Merville sector.
Germany: German rifle strength 100,000 below Allied. 1919 class recruits almost used up by July 31.
Britain: 52 British effective divisions now in France. 1st Army Co-operation unit (No 8 Squadron RAF) attached to Tank Corps.
Prince Arthur, the Duke of Connaught, inspecting British troops in France: © IWM (Q 8991):
Artois: Almost 50,000 Canadian troops celebrate Dominion Day at Tincques, 14 miles west of Arras; Canadian Prime Minister inspects 2 divisions on July 2.
Women workers and nurses at the No.2 Canadian General Hospital at Le Tréport, France at a sports tournament held on Dominion Day: © IWM (Q 6813):

Southern Front
: Italians gain positions in north-west of Monte Grappa.
Five British airplanes bomb Austrian base at Cattaro.

Naval and Overseas Operations
British Home Waters
: In July Air ASW (anti-submarine warfare) effort now going to convoy escort (310 aircraft and airships) rather than air patrols; 167 U-boats sighted (until November), 115 attacked and only 6 daylight attacks not frustrated.
A British ‘Coastal’ class airship on convoy patrol:
North Sea: Northern Mine Barrage begins to inhibit return voyages. U-boats forced into mined Norwegian waters.
U.S. transport Corrington (or maybe Covington) torpedoed and sunk by U-86, 6 lost.
Mediterranean: During July 27 German U-boats deployed, but 5 in dock and 2 on Tripolitania supply runs, so average of 8 at sea for duration.
Mozambique: Battle of Nyamakura. (also spelled Namakura then, now known as Nhamacurra). Near Quelimane (Portuguese East Africa). Germans, suffering only 25 casualties smash 630 Portuguese (528 casualties) and c.300 KAR (223 casualties), holding village sugar factory and rail station along river Likungo. Germans take 542 PoWs, 2 Portuguese guns, 10 MGs, c.350 rifles, clothing, ammo and 300t food. Allied 209 killed including many drowned or eaten by crocodiles. 155 Gold Coast Mounted Infantry sail from Port Amelia for Mussuril Bay of Mozambique Island. Von Lettow-Vorbeck’s force replaced their old rifles with new equipment and acquired machine guns and mortars. This was the most southerly point reached by Colonel von Lettow-Vorbeck's force. (1st/3rd).

Political, etc
: During July Ruhr metal workers demand 56 not 60 hour week but no serious strikes.
United Kingdom: Appointment of five M.P.'s to investigate Alien question and to advise action to be taken.
Publication of Mr. Lloyd George's reply to deputation of Federalists.
Serious explosion at shell factory in Midlands, 100 killed, 150 injured.
The National Shell Filling Factory in Chilwell:
RFP up 2% to record 110%. FLU PANDEMIC RAGES. Household fuel and lighting rationing.
National Baby Week (until July 7). In July Sassoon’s second poetry volume Counter-Attack published.
United States: Naval Appropriations Act grants $1.57 billion.
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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