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Old 05-11-2018, 09:42 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
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11 May 1918

Western Front
: Minor local actions on front; hostile artillery active in Ancre sector.
First ‘Liberty Plane’ (US-built DH4) reaches AEF.
A crashed French Spad biplane which was brought down by British friendly fire at Hazebrouck: © IWM (Q 10312):
Ruined buildings in Amiens, France: © IWM (Q 3298):

Eastern Front
Fighting between Bolsheviks and Anarchists in Moscow.
Conflicts at Kiev between German troops and supporters of Rada.

Southern Front
Italians retain Monte Corno against Austrian counter-attacks.
First of 12 RAF raids on Cattaro (only 4 Austrian Phoenix fighters, Italians bomb on May 12) and 7 on Durrazo (until August 31). U-boat Commander at former requests 2 squadrons of German fighters.

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: (Listed for yesterday): German officers onboard the wreck of the HMS Vindictive, which was sunk in Ostend by the British in an attempt to block the harbor: © IWM (Q 58102):
Atlantic: British submarine E.35 torpedoes and sinks U-154, a large cruiser U-boat in Atlantic in lat. of C. St. Vincent; the first submarine of this type to be destroyed.
The submarine cruiser U-154 was originally designed as a transport submarine and received later torpedo tubes and two 15-cm and two 8.8-cm guns:
Mediterranean: German submarine SM UC-54 sinks the French troopship SS Sant Anna, causing more than 600 deaths. Another submarine, UC-52 sinks the Italian troopship SS Verona, causing 880 deaths.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Hejaz Railway: Arab regulars (+ 3 RAF planes) capture Jerdun Station with 140 PoWs, but another attack cut short by Turkish train arriving on May 17. Nasir destroys 2 stations to north (May 23-24) without loss. Partial Arab success against bridges 80 miles northwest of Medina on May 23.
Persia: Turks advance, occupy Uskner and Suj Bulak:- Enzeli on Caspian Sea being their objective.
Dunsterville cables Baghdad that Baku’s seizure possible, leaves Hamadan for Kazvin and Tehran visits (May 12-18).
Mesopotamia: General Marshall drives Turks over Lesser Zab river at Alton Keupri, 70 miles from Mosul.
Soldiers of the Australian 1st Cavalry Divisional Signal Squadron fording a river with their motorbikes near Kirkuk (Iraq) as they advance towards Mosul:
Armenia: Peace Conference resumes at Batumi, Turkish delegates arrive (May 6) and demand Aleksandropol’s evacuation within 24 hours (May 14). Ludendorff gets Chancellor’s agreement to sending a few battalions from Crimea to Caucasus.

Political, etc
: Peace signed in Berlin between Finland and Turkey.
Ukraine: Congress of Ukraine peasants demand land, etc.
United Kingdom: Sir Richard Keyes thanked by War Cabinet.
The King reviews American troops in London.
United States: (Listed for yesterday): US Post Office accidentally issues the “Inverted Jenny” stamp, which features an upside-down image of the Curtiss JN-4 airplane (the stamps go on auction for around $1 million today):
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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