Thread: Intro yourself
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Old 11-23-2014, 04:45 AM
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faerysflower faerysflower is offline
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Originally Posted by Indian_outlawro
I can't say the most wonderful but I'm alright lol Just can't believe I found her again after all the years apart, I count my blessings every day.

Okay Pixies.... you be the judge. He says he isn't the most wonderful man in the world. Well, he is a true southern gentleman. I have forgotten what a door handle feels like. He even does that hand on the small of my back and guide me throught the doorway thing. He spoils me and pampers me. I wanted a puppy for on the truck with us. He let me get one, and forgot to mention he is serverly allergic to dog fur/ dander. He made himself miserable just to make me happy. It's all the little things added up together. He says the sweetest things to me. Heck the man went over the road in hopes of finding me. We lost touch 10-11 years ago and I never thought to find him again. Then we end up working for the same small trucking company. He rescued me from a horrible abusive controlling man, and now we have been married just over a month. I hope the honeymoon period never ends.

He is the sweetest mkst romantic husband in the world.
What ever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius power and magic in it.-- Goethe
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