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Old 06-21-2014, 06:54 AM
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Jax Jax is offline
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Stop being a workaholic


How I stop being a work aholic? It isn't so much in my habits as much as in my mind. I work a fair amount (50+) but that isn't a tremendous amount to some.

But I've over identified myself with my job. I want to change my paradigm. I want my job to be merely that - a job. I want to be good at, and I want to contribute well, but I want to stop living it all the freakin' time.

I just got a demotion (I am a manager) and it doesn't impact my pay, just my ego.

I am seriously thinking of taking the severance...with no options (I don't have another job lined up and I am the breadwinner in my family). What is wrong with me. This is a no brainer. Check the ego at the door. Take the demotion and move on. I make good $.

How do I get my life back in order?

I seriously think this is an addiction. Over identified with work.

Help? Advice?


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