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Old 12-24-2002, 10:55 PM
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jennaflower jennaflower is offline
Lusting Horny Pixie
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: In your imagination
Posts: 4,292
Waiting for Santa

Here I sit.. Christmas eve...

My little one... on what is probably the last year that he will BELIEVE in Santa... is finally snug in his bed. Unfortunately he has chosen this day to come down with some sort of flu bug.. hopefully he will be all better by morning.. no doubt as soon as he sees all that Santa brought him.

Yes.. I Must admit.. I went a little over board.. okay.. ALOT overboard this year... but as a single parent... knowing not only that this would be his last Christmas that he believes.. and knowing that his father won't be seeing him this year (until summer) and knowing that his father didn't send anything in a timely manner... I had to make sure that my son feels the way EVERY child should feel on christmas morning... loved.. cherished.. and rewarded.......

As I sit here... waiting to put out the gifts... and eat the cookies.. (Yes, I made MY favorite kind)... I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas... May all of you wake in the morning do discover that you are all blessed far beyond your dreams...

I would love to catch each and every one of you under the mistletoe

HUGS.......... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!
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