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Old 11-16-2010, 11:38 AM
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BamaKyttn BamaKyttn is offline
Starry-eyed Pixie
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Even heros have the right to bleed

You say it in your quotes, even heros have the right to bleed. You've been her hero for a year. You relocated your life, you take care of everything as well as working I assume since you changed jobs to be there with her. I've watched my parents for 27 years live with an unhappy marriage. Mom abuses dads idea of what a marriage should be. She buys with no thought of the fact that shes unemployed she is on his insurance and racks up ridiculous bills. She came home to dad and informed him that his arthritis DR told her she shouldn't unload the dishwasher because of her shoulder.... She can still schlep 20 filled dog food bowls to her kennel to feed her dogs, and sling the schisse scoop. She can still do what she wants to do but when it comes to something that needs to be done, she collapses in her recliner and plays the oh poor me bs.

The day I graduated high school I asked them whens the divorce. Dad doesn't believe in divorce. I think dad and I would have been better off if he had divorced her. She would have moved on oblivious as usual.

I stayed in a relationship 7 years with a woman who collected dogs, worked 30 minutes a day for $20 and spent the rest of her time on world of warcraft. I worked a full time job and yet it came to me to clean the kitchen, do laundry, cook two meals a day or more on my off days, and god forbid I sit down to watch tv or play the game. I let out and fed the ~20 house dogs, I fed the ~20 house cats and did litter boxes. She bought me a "gift" of three cats then her argument was "your cats shit in the boxes too, quit bitching" she bought me two dogs at $2,300 and $2,500 apiece with MY money and used the same line about scooping the yard.

I lost the house I bought for her, the two expensive dogs (but she sent a 15 year old dog she had taken in and a pup she had picked to keep....), she also sent me with the three cats, I had to fight to get my computer. I decided to cut my losses and lose the dead weight.

Nothing was in my name just bought with my money so I could more easily cut myself free.

Look at your situation.

Marlborodasreds Cleans for me because he feels like it, he cooks almost every night, some nights when he knows I'm going to be tired he will feed my kennels. I rarely ask him to do it and I appreciate everything he does for me. We've been together less than a year I'm waiting for the newness to wear off and the other shoe to drop. (he just kneed me in the butt.... I guess he thinks it will be like this forever.... wait was that his knee?)

You need to decide if you're happy the way things are or if some other guy from an amusement park should have his chance to be her hero.
-Seems we got here just in the nick of time. Whats that make us?
--Big damn heros Sir.
-Ain't we just.
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