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Old 12-06-2009, 07:53 PM
Mr. 3G Mr. 3G is offline
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Posts: 98
I think it's simple

and you may be waiting for some medical data on the phenomenon for a long time.

Other than the one "research" paper I've read on this where 13 CADAVERS were carved on looking for GSpots and increased area innervation the only studies I've seen are dooomed to failure just as the study of some dead chicks FAILED.

Here's the problem. The entire G-SPOT / A-SPOT / Female EJACULATION phenom begins between a woman's EARS!!! If the triggers are not taken off safety in her HEAD first then not much is going to happen. Hard to believe but these triggers are mostly simple things like love and TRUST.

OK now zoom in on a SEX RESEARCH LAB where they are trying to observe or determine the possibility of a GSPOT or Female Ejaculation. A volunteer is on a steel gurny. A crowd of lab techs are milling about in their white coats and clipboards. The volunteer has electrodes stuck to her head, her thighs, her abdomen ... there are probes inserted in her vag and video cameras and lights are all turned on to record the outcum.

Next (as if thsi isn't sexy and romantic enough for most women) a lab tech sticks a rubber gloved finger in her vag and pokes and prods, rubs and swirls and after several minutes of her feeling about as sexy and turned on as a dead carp, the experiment ends. There IS NO Gspot. There IS NO ejaculation. Myths. The official result of the study will suggest there is NO data to suggest anything is there. The naysayers go one better and claim it is all silliness posted by nasty women all over the world who are MAKING THIS ALL UP so other women will feel bad and left out.

So you have a bunch of FAILED sex research VS a few thousand testimonials by women all over the world who have experienced this with a lover who knew what they were doing. Who are you going to believe? Some four eyed lab tech with a stubby rubber covered finger or THE OBVIOUS.

I know. You're not alone OF. Lots of people refuse to believe the OBVIOUS. Your loss not to mention how much more fun your woman would be if you threw your clip board out the window and just tried some SIMPLE techniques that I've posted here and on my TRY THIS thread :
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