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Old 03-25-2008, 01:31 PM
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As a child: probably the week spent at Lake Cumberland, near Jamestown KY. My mother had lost her "baby" sister the year before, & the whole family (aunts, uncles, cousins) gathered for some bonding by renting a block of cabins near the lake. No A/C, just screened windows & basic kitchens & toilets in them. We cooked out or ate at a nice little resteraunt nearby, my bro & I made chains out of the 1000s of pull tabs littering the ground, we swam in the pool (which was sitting in the lake, near the shore), & just generally had a big ole time. In spite of getting the worst sunburn of my life (my back was all blisters), I've been wanting to go back for forty years since. Probably won't happen soon, the Wolf Creek dam which formed the lake has been found to be leaking & in danger of collapse; the lake has been mostly drained while the ACE does emergency repairs, which promise to take years.

As a adult: several of the many trips my wife & I have taken to the Smokies, just us, the hot tub, & no kids(!). Also two different trips to Panama City Beach, time spent collecting shells, playing in the sugar sand, & throwing crackers out from our balcony to the hungry seagulls to catch in midair with my (then) young #1 son are memories I still treasure...
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