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Old 02-16-2008, 01:17 PM
cavegirl cavegirl is offline
Pola! Pola! Pola!
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 304
endometriosis - any sufferers on here?

Hiya guys - long time no *boop* etc. Missed you all!

I've been off on one the last few months, in and out of hospital for tests - all started end of last year when I started suffering from really bad pelvic pain. Got reffered for an ultrasound and they found a mass on my right ovary. They did the cancer antigen blood test on me which came back with an abnormal reading - so straight off for an MR and CT scan - results came back that I wasn't suffering from cancer - but that it was a particularly nasty case of endometriosis.

I'm waiting on a second opinion from another Gynae at the moment as the first Gynae I saw was proposing a saling-oopherectomy and at 28 really think that's a bit drastic considering the fact that I've no kids as yet and everything else was healthy on the scans. My own Doc agreed with me luckily thus why I'm waiting for a second opinion.

Just wondered if there were any other sufferers on here and if they had any help/advice or just some ((hugs)) from one sufferer to another?

hugs n thanks
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