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Old 02-02-2008, 06:52 AM
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citrus citrus is offline
unregistered mutt. woof!
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Fantasies
Posts: 972
I slipped in under the wire at the low average. Here's my failings. They're first choices without a moments hesitation to think about a different answer.

Your Score is 24
Congratz, you Pass! You should be proud.

Click here to compare your scores with others in your age and state!

MY Answer / Correct Answer

Click on an answer below for more information
1 -- D -- D -- "The Star Spangled Banner"
2 -- C -- C -- Freedom of Religion
3 -- A -- A -- Mayor
4 -- D -- D -- The Congress
5 -- D -- D -- No term limits for Senators
6 -- B -- B -- 2 Terms for Presidents
7 -- B -- B -- 2 Years for a Rep's full term
8 -- C -- C -- 26th Amendment
9 -- A -- A -- The Speaker of the House
10 -- B -- B -- Great Britain
11 -- C -- C -- 3 Branches of Government
12 -- A -- A -- The Supreme Court
13 -- B -- B -- The Electoral College
14 -- C -- C -- 50 States
15 -- B -- B -- 13 Stripes
16 -- A -- A -- Abraham Lincoln
17 -- B -- B -- George W Bush
18 -- D -- D -- Dick Cheney
19 -- D -- D -- to find religious freedom
20 -- D -- D -- 100 Senators
21 -- B -- B -- 27
22 -- D -- C -- 6
23 -- B -- D -- Prohibiting the importing of liquor into States where it is illegal.
24 -- D -- D -- 1992
25 -- C -- A -- There is no Official Language of the US
26 -- C -- B -- John Adams
27 -- D -- B -- Patrick Henry
28 -- C -- C -- 4
29 -- D -- A -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
30 -- C -- C -- 2
I like; a) taint brushing: b) a good cigar: c) our juices together; d) champagne: e) protein squirts; f)more of these; g)much more of these; h) Damn, slide that thing into me. Deep!
Adage: 2 things are certain in life; Death & Taxes. Therefore; God & Beelzebub had a meeting to fix the problem. A mighty storm prevailed for ages until finally they ended the storm with the agreement: From now on Anyone whom chooses doesn't have to die. "Everyone wins said Beelzebub. You get an eternally grateful bunch of worshippers praying forever for lower taxes as I goad & prod them forever with higher & higher taxation."
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