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Old 08-19-2007, 09:50 AM
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Cheyanne Cheyanne is offline
Suprise Me
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 4,259
Some of you may find this link interesting...

and then google Nation of Aztlan

If you have a moment read this and watch the video...

Most of what I have researched and read have to deal will illegal immigration and not legal immigration. Most, if not all, who follow the process and go thru the correct channels to immigrate to the US legally make an honest effort to assimilate themselves into our melting pot and that includes learning the language. The desire to achieve the American dream that they read about with our Ellis Island immigrants who assimilated into the US is their goal. While the people of the US are more accepting of their culture now rather than they were then, and are wanting them to retain their heritage and want to embrace & learn about it, we (collectively) have expressed our (representing) outrage of having (we) to assimilate to the new wave of illegals entering our country. We know that there are all types of nations representing illegal entry, but since the majority of what we experience are from Mexico and further south, that is what we concentrate on. That, I believe, is why there is such outrage and concentration on our Mexican citizens and nationals rather than Canadians... or any other immigrants (illegal or legal).

(ME) - when I have to read a sign to locate the restroom in small town Iowa that is printed in Spanish first and then English second (we) have a problem. We have hispanic students in our school who wear Azlan colors and T-shirts. As of this year, we have a total of 769 students (small school) and 34% of them are hispanic and 22% of them are 7th grade or higher who cannot speak or read English to the point where they can function in a regular classroom. Special teachers and classrooms have to be scheduled and are slowly taking away space from the regular classroom/teachers. We have 3 teachers who are teaching Social Studies, Math and Health off a cart as they don't have a classroom.

One student, who has been in the district for 5 years, set fire to a locker last year and nothing could be done as he and his parents couldn't communicate with school officials without an interpretor so due process was out the window, and since we are "required" to furnish him an education as he was under the age of 16 and considered special ed, he was able to come back after a 3 day out of school suspension.

I believe congress is fooling themselves on this issue as well in relation to illegal immigration and terrorism. I believe congress is turning a blind eye toward how illegal immigration effects the US economy and the services provided to its citizens as well as wage/insurance/health care issues in relation to illegal immigration.

*Steps down from soapbox and gives it a mighty kick.*
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