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Old 06-12-2007, 04:31 AM
cavegirl cavegirl is offline
Pola! Pola! Pola!
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 304
I'm just giving this a bump up - basically because I'm feeling pretty shit at the moment and just need a rant. Sorry guys.

Since my last post, things improved a lot between me and my OH and in terms of our relationship I guess we're pretty strong at the moment - I'm trying to help him as much as I can - even though things aren't progressing with his job and it's looking more likely he's going to be taking his employers to court.

Due to all the stress, he's become very ill. Last week he had a social worker visit his flat who immediately told him to pack a bag and took him down to A&E to see the duty psychiatrist, with a view to him being sectioned and put in a locked ward for a time. I found out he hadn't been taking his prescribed medications - I should have known, but I didn't...

Anyway, the upshot is now that he didn't have to be admitted then - but he has to have the crisis intervention team visit him everyday to make sure he's taken his tablets, opened his curtains, washed, eaten and got out for a bit if possible. If he doesn't comply, they will admit him and we don't know how long that would be for.

On top of all this I've started my treatment with the psych last week - it's going to be pretty intense and heavy going and I was wiped out after the first session last week.

My OH's social worker wanted to know if he had anyone close by he could talk to - there's only me to support him right now, but they chatted about the things I'd done for him and the guy told him that from what it sounded like I'd saved his life on more than one occasion - and that he had to keep talking to me.

That's really great, and I'm really pleased that I can help and suport him like that and be the one that he turns to. The thing is, it's that old chestnut again - I really could do with some support right now and he really can't give that to me as he's in such a mess and needs me. I'm on my own most of the time - my parents don't support me as far as my mental health goes and I've no-one to lean on.

I don't really know what to do now - there's no way I'm leaving him, I love him to bits - but there's no way he can support me and I'm just lost and lonely right now and feeling scared about the future.

Sorry to rant on
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