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Old 04-05-2007, 03:28 PM
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I wrote a whole rant yesterday, but I must've shut the window off before I posted it or something... Damn.

Basically I said that I live in an area where there's not enough people of different ethnic backgrounds to "share around"... My friends, and aquaintances, are all similar to me in that they're late teens-twenties and white. And yes I have something in common with them all, it's hard to get along with someone when you have no common ground whasoever. But other than that, they are the very unique and different people. Different philisophical views, different music tastes, different backgrounds, different families, different hopes and dreams...

I get really angry when people are racist or bigoted in any way. But when the media says downright stupid thing like that, it's not helping in any way.

I had a similar conversation to DM about the racism issue reversed at college one day. We were discussing racist jokes, and the stick white people get for telling them. But other ethnicities can give just as good as they get. Some people can take offence, but isn't that the same as most jokes?

Anyway, I feel my first post expressed this better, but that's always the way of it...
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