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Old 03-14-2007, 01:27 PM
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cherrypie7788 cherrypie7788 is offline
Mama Mia!
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: South Louisiana
Posts: 1,884
Everyone else has given you great advice. That fact that you've been together for this long says a lot. Some pixies have carried out LDRs but for me personally, my LDRs have never worked out.

I met a great (I thought) man through one of my friends and we hit it off immediately. We were inseparable. Then, he got a job in a different state (about 400 miles away) and we held onto that for about 3 months. I went and lived with him some and I would come home every other week. One week I came back to Tennessee and called him and couldn't get him. I kept calling and finally decided that I was going to clear his damn voicemail box out so I could leave a message.

In his mail box there were at least 10 messages from a girl. "Hey baby, just wanted to tell you I loved you." "Hey baby, just calling to see when your girlfriend was going to be out of town" shit like that. Oh, I was furious.

I'm not saying this happens to everyone, but it happened to me...He was sleeping with a girl he met on his construction job on the weeks I was at home. He tried to blame it on me and say that I was the cheater, that I was sleeping with my (DYING and now dead) best friend.

I will never have another LDR.

But, as some have said, they certainly can work out with the right level of commitment. Good luck.
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