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Old 03-13-2007, 12:46 PM
cavegirl cavegirl is offline
Pola! Pola! Pola!
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 304
Long Distance relationships...

Well...I'm a bit worried about posting this for a few reasons, but I really think I need some advice.

Basically, I'm in a long distance relationship - and have been for two years. For the whole duration of the time we've been together we've been apart. He lives in Scotland and I live in England - 200 miles apart. We met online through a website we both used for support at the time, and the website that I now work for as a volunteer supporting people.

We get together when we can, which isn't always possible - and there have been times when it's been months between us seeing each other.

Anyhow - he decided that he wanted to relocate back to North West England, which is where he's from originally and where I live - and has been given a chance of a job down here.

But things haven't been going too well for us recently. He's been having an horrendous time with his employer and is waiting to hear about possibly taking them to court for unfair treatment etc, he's very stressed and ill with it all, at the same time he's trying to plan his move - which is now going to take longer than he thought. I feel bad, because I'm trying to support him as much as I can - I've spent so many days, evenings and weekends listening to him thrash out the problems he's having, and trying my best to help - all to no avail. We don't have fun anymore, we rarely laugh about anything and the last time we met up - we had lots of sex, but not much else - and tbh, I just felt that his heart wasn't in it.

I've tried a few times to talk to him about how I feel and he says he's sorry, but he's stressed etc. The thing is, I've had a fair few major probs myself over the last few months (ill health, losing my job, being unemployed etc) and don't really feel like I've had the support back that I need - and certainly not to the extent I've given him.

It's so hard knowing what to do/say with such a distance between us, and I feel so detached from everything and really low at the moment .

I guess what I'm asking is - with all that's going on - can long distance relationships ever work out? Or do they all end in disaster?

Thanks for reading and sorry to have posted such a long ramble...

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