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Old 01-30-2007, 03:28 AM
Mercury_Maniac Mercury_Maniac is offline
Lost without a compass.
Join Date: Jul 2001
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well here it goes, someone wants to know , i hope she likes.

well as it hangs cooped up behind a curtain most of the day, much like a sheathed sword, i do take it out from time to time to perhaps sharpen the edges, it appears mostly dull on the shaft where it is quite thick, moving up it stays the same color and dullness with minor imperfections much like purplish/pinkish tree-roots covering a forsest-floor, until you pull back its hood or more rather a protective helmet to reveal its shiny and glowing purple head with a mighty gazing eye. at a upright stance that is curved to left it appears to be trying to get a peek at what is going on around it, perhaps looking for that special place one may like a creature like himself to visit, often gets excited and jumps up and down with excitement in which i then have to hold him back causing to periodically to lose his yeah that is what i meant.

what do you think? to descriptive? I tried to make it sound exciting
hungry? why me.
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