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Old 01-11-2007, 11:22 AM
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IowaMan IowaMan is offline
Leo was right
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Eastern Iowa
Posts: 17,778
Thank you everybody for the kind wishes. Never really been one to celebrate my birthday other than the milestone ones: 21st so I could legally drink and 25th so car insurance rates would go down.

I have enjoyed getting to know all of you a little bit and look forward to continuing to get to know you all better in the upcoming year.

Thirty-nine, no one ever thought I'd see it.
I don't really want to be it.
But as long as I'm here,
I may as well have a good year.
Many things to be done.
Hope to even have a little fun.

Maybe a trip out west.
Yeah, I think that would be best.
Sort of get things in order,
Outside of the Iowa border.
Hopefully meet a new friend.
Start a friendship that will never end.

I could head the other way,
I'm sure that would make for a very fun day.
Yeah, east could be great,
Couple of people I'd love to meet from those states.
Many new things I'd love to try.
Lots of ideas for east through my mind fly.

A wish for better health,
And hey, why not unbelievable wealth?
It's always nice to dream,
To hope for things to be better than they seem.

I hope for this year to turn out very fine.
Maybe even meet some Pixies and dine.
Yeah, that's what I want to do,
When I'm thirty-nine.

Hey, I gave it a shot.
It takes a gutless mouse to play only when the cat's away.

No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever. ~~ Francois Mocuriac

Confucius say, "He who masturbate into cash register come into money."

An optimist looks at the glass and says it's half full. A pessimist looks at the glass and says it's half empty. A Cubs fan looks at the glass and says, "When's it gonna spill?"

Deus Impetitio Esuritori Nullus
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