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Old 10-08-2002, 04:00 PM
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jjjjbo jjjjbo is offline
the Lusty Wench
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: sunny california
Posts: 1,113
Totally unexpected twist!!!!

Woe .... just stepped upstairs for a discreet trip to the "sandbox" then afterwards I step out into the hallway and see Coach heading up the stairs. I smile, and after that..... not quite sure when the hurricane hit. I can say it was a whale of a time!!!

Watching him head back downstairs, I'm amazed at the man's energy! Then realize that there are several people just watching either Coach depart or me still half-reclining on the floor, not so well covered. Oops, pull yourself together girl .... that's the voice in my head trying to get me to "come back to the party."

Once all is covered that was covered before Coach just rocked my world (lol) I manage to rise from the floor, my legs more than a little shakey in the aftermath and notice there are still several eyes glued on me. I am self-conscious, but learned how to fake my way through such moments a long time ago ... I make the motions of a quick little bow, smile sausily at the group and start down the stairs, praying that my legs will hold up until I can get to one of those bar stools not far from the bottom of the stairs and when I do ... pull myself into it more with upper body muscles than any great use of my leg muscles. The man is certainly a force to be reckoned with.

As soon as I feel like I've kind of sunk back into the background, I reach to lightly run my fingernail across the fabric over my sensitized nipples ....
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