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Old 10-02-2002, 07:06 PM
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jjjjbo jjjjbo is offline
the Lusty Wench
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: sunny california
Posts: 1,113
I'm still people watching, having gravitated to the outdoors after the pool room events. Sitting in the relative dark of a quiet corner of the patio, I watch as several people begin to enjoy the waterslide and the ball thingy.

Sitting quietly in the dark always leaves me feeling a bit like taking a nap, but just as my eyes begin to dip down I see Coach come out the door and make his way to the hammock.... ohh .... ouch, that must have hurt ..... ohhh .... ouch again, I stand to go and make sure he is ok, but ... third time seems to be the charm.

As he is sleeping I see Aphrodite gathering her stuff and preparing to leave, she stops by the hammock, kisses her fingers and places them gently on Coach's cheek, then leaves.

Well, Summer sure knows how to throw an exciting party ... always something happening .... I'm going to make sure I'm here if she ever decides to throw another one!!! I send up a silent thank you to her - where ever she may be at the moment!
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