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Old 05-20-2006, 11:09 AM
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osuche osuche is offline
Loungin' Around
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: West Coast
Posts: 30,587
Last Thursday, I was negotiating a contract while sitting on our small conference room. The Director of Sales for this larger company was my "discussion partner" -- he was relatively young (about 35) and looked vaguely Middle Eastern...darker skinned with black hair, with luminous eyes and cut features, and a very sensual mouth. As we started our discussion, I caught myself wondering what he would taste like, and how he would kiss (this is a frequent habit of mine during meetings). My nipples began to get sensitive and I got that tense feeling down below...which signaled my arousal.

At one point, he moved over to my side of the table so that we could both work off of one document on my computer. We were sitting shoulder to shoulder, and I suddenly relaized that he smelled *good* -- that musky smell of fresh sweat and man that I find very attractive. We continued to debate back and forth on the contract and resolved several issues. As we debated, my pussy started to drip as a counterpoint to my thoughts, which were currently centered on him taking me right there on the conference room table.

Then we got to a sticking point -- one where he wasn't understanding my issues and where I'd determined was a chief concern for my company. He asked me several challenging questions, and I kept turning the issue back to whether he had a viable (and profitable) alternative to working with my company. I let him know the deal depended on this point. He fought my issues, and I continued to turn us back to the main discussion. In the end (after about 20 minutes of fierce dickering) he gave me what I wanted, in exchange for a minor concession in a different area.

I'd accomplished what I wanted to, and so had he. We smiled and shook hands, and his lingered a bit longer than was strictly necessary. He looked into my eyes and told me that he always enjoyed spending time with someone who was so fiery and could represent her company so well. I smiled and thanked him for the compliment, and for the challenge.

As he returned my smile and suggested lunch next week, I realized that my nipples were getting hard and that I was wondering something even darker -- what he would feel like inside of me. As he said goodbye, I felt that my red satin thong was completely wet, and as I walked back to my office my swollen pussy lips rubbed against my clit in the most sensual manner.

I'd have to find another business opportunity to discuss with him soon.
Life is too short not to love and be loved....preferably multiple times in one night.

I think men talk to women so they can sleep with them and women sleep with men so they can talk to them. ~ Jay McInerney

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