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Old 03-26-2006, 01:50 AM
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Salacious Salacious is offline
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When I look at myself, I think I have a love affair with food! I adore most all of it. I tend to be one that has food cravings or desires if you will, and an unfullfilled desire and I'm left unstatisfied.

I also tend to be very tactile with my food. I like to eat with my fingers. It's often easier and I think it's sensual. I know appauling to some. Oh well, tis my way. As a girl my father sent me to charm school for using my finger to push my corn onto my fork infront of company. Needless to say I still use my fingers. Look away if you find it repulsive.

Food should be an exploration of tastes, textures and enticements. I suppose like sex, how do we know that we don't like something unless we try it? So it is with me. I like to touch it, feel it, taste it, savor it. Enjoy it fully.

In my opinion, if you take a woman out to eat and ask her what she'd like to eat, and you get a reply like, "I don't care, whatever you want." She will be a passive lover. On the other hand, if you ask a woman and she replies with, "I want Kung Pow Beef and ice cream coffee for dessert." Odds are she's going to tell you what she wants between the sheets too!

Long story short, I think there is a definite connection.

Variety is the soul of pleasure. ~ Aphra Behn

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