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Old 03-11-2006, 09:02 PM
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I don't get Islam

Okay, I admit it. I don't get it.

I just read that the American hostage that was just killed in Iraq was tortured before he was executed. And I think we all remember the beheadings in Iraq too.

It certainly seems that the current manifestion of the Islamic religion seems to be similar to the Christian religion of the 1500s - when the Church ruled with an iron fist and there were the inquisitors/inquisition - and burning at the stake. The odd thing though, is that many folks try and deny it, yet the words Holy War, or Islamic Jihaad are all too common and all too easy to associate with the Muslims. Yet, we are also told the Islamic religion is not a violent one.

I realize that my point of view is largely amercanized, and Christian, but even in my open minded perspective, I am not coming up with the answers.

The question in my mind is, is the Islamic religion that violent, or is it just dominated by a vocal minority that is giving the religion - and arguebly a race of people - a bad name. I will also anticipate one answer, if it is just a band of a few, or a few small bands (vocal minority) why is the majority so silent?

Just laying it out there as a food for thought. I'm a "can't we all get along" guy, and have Muslim friends etc, but I am curious if anyone wonders about this like I do.
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