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Old 02-22-2006, 01:22 PM
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Loulabelle Loulabelle is offline
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Originally Posted by jonik
If I may make a suggestion (as a longtime lurker and new member): I've found the key (for me as a male) is to pay attention to my lover and relax. The more attention I pay to my lover (in this case, my wife), the better my performance. Likewise, the less uptight I am about looking/feeling like a porn star, the better.

So here's what you need to know about sex (in real life): It's not about you. Sure, you can have a heck of a good time and the experience could feel fantastic, but sex done right (IMHO) is not about secret positions that work for any woman or "techniques" that never fail. There are no such positions and no such techniques. Every woman is wonderfully different.

Take it easy and get to know your woman. Find those little spots that drive her crazy? Discover how (and if) she likes to be spoken to during sex. Learn her natural inclinations and fantasies. It takes a little time to get to know each new partner, but it's well worth it. Why? Because what ultimately makes you a stud in bed is your ability to please your lover! And pleasing your (female) lover is about patience, listening, and sensitivity to her desires more than it is about having a secret knowledge of "all the best techniques and positions." All the techniques in the world won't make you a good lover if you don't know how your woman likes them to be used...

I think I have a new crush!!!!!

Great advice jonik and welcome to Pixies!
"Time flies like an arrow -
Fruit flies like a banana"

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