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Old 02-07-2006, 02:54 AM
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Loulabelle Loulabelle is offline
Mrs FussyPucker
Join Date: Jan 2003
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I hate to sound really really really old fashioned about this, and it's a fucking bummer that the double standard still exists so much in this, our supposedly 'enlightened' age, but maybe you need be a little bit harder to 'obtain', as it were.

In my life, I've always had the opposite problem of men falling in love with me and wanting to marry me, when I just want a bit of light hearted fun and I put it down to the fact that I make them feel special. When I was single it took me a long time to decide if I was sexually attracted to someone....they really had to earn my trust before I'd even consider getting physical with them. Whether it's right or wrong, the fact is that a man respects that in a woman, and is more likely to treat her right than if he sees her as 'easy'. If you end up in bed with men too quickly, they assume you sleep with every guy you know that quickly too and then they don't feel as if they're special to you; and everyone wants to feel that.

I'm really not trying to preach, but it's a fact of life, that a lot of men still categorise women in terms of 'the ones you fuck and the ones you take home to meet Mum'. Yes, it's an old fashioned view, but if you also want an old fashioned man who treats you with respect, makes you feel like the only woman in the world and sends you flowers on Valentine's day, then it does still seem to be the price you have to pay, in my experience. Like everything else in life, you have to take the rough with the smooth.
"Time flies like an arrow -
Fruit flies like a banana"

M Y - N A U G H T Y - P I C T U R E S ! !
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