Thread: Pixies Power
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Old 02-02-2006, 07:31 PM
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maddy maddy is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: South of the Mason Dixon
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My suggestions might be difficult in the life of a student.

To the best of your ability plan ahead and be prepared. Always have a bottle for water with you. Stop at a fountain to fill it up. Keep healthy snacks in your book bag when you head to class or the library. Make an effort to have breakfast. It doesn't take long to eat it and it will kick start your day. Even if it's a bowl of cereal while you are drying your hair. Don't deprive yourself - make good decisions and eat appropriate proportions. And don't punish yourself when you do splurge - just get back to your "routine" asap.

This is my typical weekday routine:

Breakfast - a bowl of Kashi with skim milk. Combined with some water to take my vitamin. When I get to work I'll have something additional - yogurt or a piece of fruit.

Lunch - frozen meal (lean cuisine or smart ones) - I tend to pick these up when they are on sale 5/$10 or buy 2 get 3 free, etc - and any variety of the following: piece of fruit, salad with only 2T of dressing, sugar free pudding, sugar free jello.

Dinner - something that I've prepared in advance. I do my cooking on the weekends for my dinners. But tonight I wasn't in the mood for "that" and made a quick omelet instead.

Snacks - chex mix, fruit, sugar free pudding, sugar free jello, lowfat cottage cheese, smart ones deserts, skinny cow bars, a couple of cookies, etc. I try to keep each snack I have to 150 calories or less (3pts).

Don't eat after 8pm. I think you said you work nights - don't eat more within 3 hours of going to sleep.
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