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Old 08-18-2002, 03:54 AM
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thun thun is offline
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Originally posted by Mr. 3G
I agree 110% with you

nice to cut out just what you want , don't you think?


3] can a blind man see? what makes you think he will be able to when he is a ghost? why would ghosts NEED to see? Hear? you need a 'receiver' able to isolate frequencyes between 50 and 50000 Hz. Without a proper ear, you would hear either nothing or everything, and with the amount of radio noise, that would be a real bitch.

4] every one of them has another theory on how the world was formed. This means if ONE is correct, all the others are NOT.
AND, all of them were created by humans, in order to explain things that they could not at that time, and to give them a sence (!) of security [self-awareness is a bitch, means to be aware of your own death]. I have looked in 4 religions (christianism, buddhism, 'allah-ism' and mythology, and have found some amazingly stupid fundaments in all of them.
just for the 'god' thing :
-god created the world in 6 days. i would say 5 billion years
-you shall not kill. well, since god created _everything_ this also means you shall not kill that cow / pig you ate the meat of. Who are you to decide that hundreds of animals -creation of god mid you- will be sacriiced to support one single HUMAN life ?
((really not necesary to continue... i gues you see my poin if you are that open-minded))

5] just said my life will go on, not the essence of me [ego & memories & stuff]. Based on the simple fact that the life-force cannot just vanish, it will be in 'stasis' untill it will be able to connect to another form of matter.

6] the exact amount of joules that would remotely lift a plate with pizza from the table and ditch it in your head.

7] do read the whole paragraph....

8] if billions of people think they are so important in this HUUGE universe that someone with the powers of a god would care that they had a fight in the 9th grade or that they draw the cross from left to right or the other way arroud, and i choose not to, i have to be nuts. don't i? i would hate living with a billion nuts on a planet.

PS: the proof of time prevents me to believe these things. and if i'm wrong, who the heck will care?
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