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Old 08-18-2002, 02:47 AM
Mr. 3G Mr. 3G is offline
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Location: S.C. Ontario
Posts: 98
I'll leave you alone to argue with yourself which is all you're doing. You've contradicted yourself on every point except #8 which I agree 110% with you on.

i really don't believe in ghosts. The deffinition of ghost is an absurity in itself, a physical imposibility.

2] ghosts and religion cannot be both true at the same time.
(how do you figure that? )

3] in order to see/hear/smell/talk, a ghost would need eyes/ears/nose/mouth+lungs+vocal cords. Having neither, it is the invisible equivalent of a vegetable.
(so a CCD can't "see" because it has no eyes? ...Nobody as BLIND as some one with closed eyes and mind)

4] i do not believe in religion either. .... entire christian doctrine is based on false assumptions.
(what about all the other ones? They're ALL wrong and you're right.)

5] ghosts are supposed to be the souls of the dead, BUT, when someone dies, his/her memory is VANISHED
(i really don't think this is our only existence) (besides, i am immortal)

6] a 'form of energy' shoul be extremly powerfull, and would be struck down at the first lightning in a 20 mile area.
(geez I never thought of that. Have you worked out how many joules it would take to attract a bolt of lightening...or a ghost for that matter?)

7] 'santa claus' EXISTS

8] i can safely say i am nuts. and i love it.
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