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Old 10-31-2005, 11:07 AM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
Married Couple
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
A week has passed since I first domianated my object of desire. In that time, we have married and Constance is learning everyday how to be a wife, a lover, and a person in noble society. Now that we are married and she is the Marquiess Constance DeLongcray, her standing in society is a higher rank that of her step-mother. I'm sure that this was something that the Baroness DeGaint didn't think about when she made her offer to me.

Entering the dining hall, Constance sat at one end of the tweleve foot long table while I sat at the other end. Breakfast had just been served to us when one of the servants brought a letter to me. I smiled at her inquizitive nature as she, as a wife and out of curosity, asked what it was. "It's an invitation," I answered, "from the King and Queen. They are throwing a ball in honor of their 50th Anniversary. All families of noble society are invited. It will be in three days, so we have time to get you a new dress made for the occassion."

I couldn't keep from laughing at the look of horror that Constance had on her face. "You're... You're... You're...," she studdered, "You're not wanting me go, are you? Oh, Gaston, please say that you're not. I would just die if I had to go. I don't know how to socialize with those kinds of people. Oh, please Gaston, please say that you won't make me go?"

Laughing, I said, "Yes Constance, you are going. The whole town, including the King and Queen, know that I have married and they are all eager to see who it is. Finish eating as we shall go shopping as soon as we are done."

This would be the first time that the two of us would be seen in public together, so I picked out a beautiful pale blue dress that made her emerald eyes sparkle. Constance would grab my arm evertime a lower classman would bow at us or when I would bow and talk to a higher classman. She did however, greatly enjoyed being pampered and fused over as the tailor went about measuring her. Once the measurement were noted and the fabric and design was choosen, we headed off. After getting her some jewelery, we headed home.

The night of the ball arrived. I watched as Constance came down the curved stairway. She was even more beautiful in her emerald green dress that had been made for her. The color of it matched her eyes. Her long blonde hair was pulled up in a bun with three matching emerald clips holding it in place. The dress seemed to flow over her body right down to her emerald shoes. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. My desire to have her right there was starting to take hold of me.

When we arrived at the palace, everyone stared as we walked by. The Baroness DeGaint had already arrived and she and her two daughters stared at Constance in disbelief. We stopped as the herald introduced us: Marquis Gaston DeLongcray and wife. I thought she was going to pass out when I introduced her to the King and Queen but, she kept her composure and talked with the Queen as I talked with the King. I was pleased with how well Constance done. She acted as if she had done this all of her life.

The Queen was so taken in by Constance that she requested that we sit next to her and the King as we ate. All during dinner the two of them talked as the King and I carried on our own conversation. Ocassionally as we ate and talked, I would look at Constance and then half way down the table to the Baroness DeGaint. The Baroness was livid as she looked at Constance and myself. I froze though, when the Queen asked Constance how she had come to marry me. I was greatly impressed, however, as she held the Queen's attention with the story of how her life had been before marrying me. Even the King became interrested in her story and listened. I was even more impressed when she left out how it was that I had "bought" her and made out as if my persual of her was a courtship instead of what it had really been.

"What a horrible woman," the Queen remarked. "Yes, indeed," agreed the King. Patting Constance's hand, the Queen replied, "I am glad that you are happy now. I have never been able to stand that woman. The way she puts on airs and acts so phoney. She is constantly trying to push her awful daughters on the sons of higher classmen. And now, to hear how she treated you, only makes my dislike for her even greater." Smiling, the King remarked to the Queen, "Darling, for sometime now, you've had plans on how to remedy you problem with the Baroness DeGaint. I think now would a perfect time as any to go through with it." A devilish grin came over the Queen's face as she said, "Gladly."

The King and Queen excussed themselves and made their way to the front of the room. Once silence had been made, the queen announced that she had just heard a disturbing story. As she retold the story, the Baroness DeGaint's face turned paler and paler as her daughter's sunk lower and lower into their chairs. The queen left out no detail and even told that she was now married to a Marquis. "This young lady," the Queen said as she motioned for Constance to rise, "is the young lady that was forced to be a servant in her own home. I hearby change her status from Marquiess to Countess Contance DeLongcray." The King then said, "I agree to this change and do also change her husband's satus from Marquis to Count, making him Count Gaston DeLongcray."

I thought that it would now be I that passed out. The conversation that I thought would bring about my downfall actually turned out to raise my satature.

The Queen then began again. "Baroness DeGaint, would you and your daughter's please come forward." The Baroness and her daughter's made their way to the front, all with horrified looks upon their faces. The Queen did not allow them time to rise from their bows when she asked, "Baroness DeGaint, are you not this child's step-mother?" "Yes," the Baroness said weakly. "So then, you are the step-mother that I refered too," the Queen asked. "Well... Well, your Majesty," she stammered, "you see..., she was an unruly child and... and well..." "Enough of your lies," shouted the King. "Baroness DeGaint," the Queen continued, "you are hereforth stripped of your title and your possessions. Any, and everything, that is on your estate is now turned over to the rightful owner, your step-daughter. From this moment on, you will now be a servant in this palace where the King and I shall be able to keep a watchful eye on you and your horrible daugthers." With a swish of her hand, the three of them were taken away. "Now," said the King, "shall we continue with the evening."

It was dark as we rode home in the carriage. I held Constance tightly to me as I said, "I was so proud of you tonight. You acted as if you had spent every day of your life in those surrondings. I was even more impressed when you talked as if I courted you instead of buying you." Even though I could not see her, I knew that she was smiling as she said, "Yes, Count Gaston DeLongcray, I'm sure that you are." "It's not just that," I said. "I'm truly impressed with you. You could have told everything and I too would now be a servant in the palace. But no, you told only what you needed too to make your point. Count and Countess Gaston DeLongcray. I do like the sound of that." "Well," she said, "I did indeed enjoy the look on my step-mother's face as the Queen told my story. Plus..., why tell about the rest of it when I have fallen in love with you." The rest of the ride was spent in silence as we kissed and fondled each other.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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