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Old 10-15-2005, 12:29 PM
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babybunny babybunny is offline
Bouncy Bunny
Join Date: Jan 2003
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fzzy~ *hugs* Its slow trying to get life back on routine but its getting there. =)

Glydwr~ Rebuilding a city takes alot of time. Businesses are still shut down and few that are open are very limited in what they sell. But it will come together eventually. =)

Lilith~ =) Thats nice to know.

dicksbro~ Thank you very much for the prayers. it has been a very long and trying road but we are one of the blessed ones who have come out with minimal damage. *hugs*

musicman~ Thank you. =)

Bigbear~ Thank luv. Niced to see you as always. *kiss*

Alas~ =) Is that you Sharni? Glad to see you if yes... if not nice to meet you hehe.

Steph~ Thank you~ I am very appreciative for all the prayers, they really helped. =)

Chey~ Thank you. =)

wrestlemark~ Thanks. Back at ya!

Lixy~ Thankfully our city was pretty much on track with things. They had the school buses running early and til they couldnt run anymore. Then soon as the hurricane was over they were back at it, getting people who stayed out. We had no deaths in our area. However, they honestly need more than 1 lane of highway going for people evacuating; going 20 miles in 5 hours is not fun. =\

When we called FEMA to file for help, they told me nothing they could do. Yet, as I have learned, if you are under a mandatory evacutation then you are entitled to a set amount from FEMA. They eventually did give us that money, but them telling me I could go live in my house since no structural damage is infurating. Its like they did not hear where I stated, our parish is shut down, no one aside authorized personal is allowed back. No water or electricty til maybe Novemeber (Thankfully lots of help made this go quicker) and absoluately no gas or ice for 100 mile radius. *sigh*

Then the trip to the Redcross office had me in tears. Thankfully hubby went in there and wouldnt take any crap from them and they helped too.

Its very difficult to be ripped from your home, fitting what you can in the car after putting a toddler, cat and dog in there. And not knowing where to go, what to do and having no money to do so. Then when you go to the places you are told to go for help, they practically burn you at the stake before helping. Its hard and sad. I am very happy to be home needless to say.

osuche~ *hugs* Tyvm hun. =)

sodak~ Thank you. Nice to see you. =)
Happiness is Bunny Shaped

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