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Old 08-04-2002, 12:23 AM
Fondle You Fondle You is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 29

OK. I've always keep hearing and reading about how women are still being held back, etc, etc.. However, what keeps them from even appreciating a good guy? Are they afraid that guys would reject them if they show some kind appreciation for what they do for them? I have a friend who I would call a good guy. He's the type women always fantasize about: a good listener, always remembering important dates, being considerate of her feeling, his bedroom abilities(at least what he tells me). What has he won for all that? One bad breakup after another.

There are a lot of bitches who take us guys for granted and I'm pissed off about that! I'm starting to wonder whether there's a double standard for us guys and also starting to think there has to be a good reason why many men seemingly have a flippant attitude about dating. If they know that there's a good chance they'd be unappreciated in the end then they'd not work so hard to please the ladies.

Each side is distrusting of the other. I have no idea what I could do to change that.
One of the last generation of real males left

What the heck is a slute?
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