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Old 08-03-2002, 11:12 PM
Fondle You Fondle You is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 29
Unhappy Why are so many women intimidated by male sexuality?

Please note that this is NOT a criticism of any of the fine ladies that post here. So don't take offence. However, I'm just befuddled by what appears to be a tendency on the part of many women to diss men. I'm not necessary writing from my own experience, which is very little. It's only when I go to the web that I find a whole new world opened to me. Where are these open-minded sexual females that I keep reading about on the net? The rest of the female population would rather complain and bitch about how men make silly demands on them, how men are too interested in sex, etc., etc.. And heaven forbid I even bring up the subject of FMF. They act like that's a worse crime than flying Jumbo jets into buildings.

I live on the East Coast. You would think that it shouldn't be hard to find dates. But most of the people are just so cold and inconsiderate of others and that is reflective on their "dating habits" as well.

I keeping reading nice and lovely comment from women about how they like to see naked men, dicks, watching them masturbate, going down on them, etc.. While I enjoy reading those comments I just have to wonder why there aren't enough of them out there in the real world. Are so many women intimidated by male sexuality and the thought of having sex with a man??? Why are so many of them keep having issues about that? I'm not talking about lezbos, mind you. No, I'm referring to so-called hetero women who, I think, get more excited talking about shopping, getting thier hair done and money than intimacy and sex.

Somebody PLEASE help me out. What's going on?
One of the last generation of real males left

What the heck is a slute?
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