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Old 08-18-2005, 09:34 PM
Zephreck Zephreck is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 99
All I can say..

All I can say is may God continue to protect him and bring him home safe to you dear. I can't say enough about the men and women that are overseas risking their lives. Regardless of whether you agree with "why" they are there or not cause they don't have the choice once they sign up. I just am very thankful for the sacrifices they make for me.

And as sweet as you are dear and as patient as you have been for his return I hope he is brought back to you safely and hope you two have alot of time alone to get caught back up on things. We will all know when he gets back home cause I don't think we will see hide nor hair from her since she won't come up but for air for probably a week or two. /tease.

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