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Old 07-26-2002, 05:19 PM
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Bear Bear Bear Bear is offline
Built Tough Up North
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Manitoba
Posts: 296
Geoff walked out to the dock and decided to do some fishing. He thought of what happened to him and how he felt different. He took his first cast. It was a great one furthest one he probably has ever made. Crap got a snag. He pulled the rod back probably a lot harder then he thought, because the line snapped. Oh well didn’t feel much like fishing anyway now. The sun was starting to really get to him. He decided to go back to the cabin and have a few cold ones. As the taste of beer entered his mouth he realized that isn’t what he wanted. He couldn’t put a name to it what it was but he knew that he needed it. He fixed the pipe below the cabin so that he could have a shower. He couldn’t stand going back outside to where the sun was shining down it was just to hot. He striped down went by the mirror he looked over his face and was surprised by the lack of growth of his facial hair. He shaved two days ago but was silky smooth. He got in the shower and started washing then he saw it or should I saw them. Six bit marks on his penis. Had it grown? Must have been out in the sun too much today, he thought. He went back to the back bedroom shut the blinds and fell into another deep sleep.
Pixie Girls are the best!
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