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Sea Chelle 10-18-2002 04:29 PM

The Hitch-hiker
I'm still working on the liason between Professor Jack and his newest paramour...I promise to post it soon, but here's a little fantasy taht came about when I was having a wild cyber afair with a gent across the pond. Hope you enjoy it.

It was a road he'd driven down a dozen times, attending to clients in a neighboring city, but never had he seen anything like her. Her hair was auburn and hung down to brush her shoulder blades, carelessly tousled curls bouncing as she walked, thumb out, asking in that universal way for a ride.

Her back was to him, so even if she was looking she wouldn't be able to see the was his eyes slid down, surveying her tight ass, and the way it moved in her cutoffs, the worn denim barely covering the heart-shaped cheeks, then
disappearing between her legs, making his fingers itch to toy with the frayed edges against her tanned thighs.

She turned, the sun flashing for a moment in her eyes. The girl must have heard his car approaching. She turned on a 500 watt smile and let a little lost girl sheen come into her eyes. It was against his better judgement, but he stopped, pulled to the side of the road, and called to her, feeling the pleasant rush of heat as he watched the way the thin white t shirt dipped low and clung to her full breasts.

"Hey Mister," she asked, the thick American accent giving her away immediately. "You wouldn't happen to be headed..." It didn't matter. Suddenly he was going wherever it was she was going. He had already completed his business, successfully, and since he had the contracts for two new clients tucked in his briefcase, decided he deserved a bit of celebrating. He opened the door for her, let her toss her backpack in the backseat. She slid into the front seat beside him, still smiling. "Thanks Mister...."

"Tony, my name is Tony." he interrupted her with a smile as he started the engine again, pulled back out onto the road.

"Tony," she rolled the name over on her tongue, and to him it felt like a kiss. She liked the sound of his name on her American lips. "Thanks Tony. I was getting tired of walking. I'm Chelle, by the way." There was laughter in her voice as he smiled again.

"Chelle...that's pretty. So what are you doing walking out here anyway." The smooth accent thrilled her, and she was glad that he had to concentrate more on the road. It allowed her time to take him in, to notice everything about him from his good looks, to his sharp suit. God he looked delicious. And so entirely proper and English, but he'd picked
her up hadn't he. SO many men wouldn't have. Not even a cute redhead in cutoffs. She was hungry, for both the conversation and the attention, but as they chatted she could see that she definitely wanted more. It was true she'd been out exploring today. Restless and looking for something. As he smiled and laughed at her stories of her travels she was sure she'd found it.

Things flowed naturally between them, and she could tell he was interested, aroused even if he didn't fully know yet that he wanted her. That she wanted him. He didn't flinch as she lightly brushed a hand over his thigh. It was a friendly gesture, maybe a little over friendly since they just met, but friendly just the same. They were coming up on a little cafe where she'd eaten a time or two. The food wasn't bad and she knew they had a good red wine. She told
herself she wasn't considering it because of the neat little hotel tucked beside it, but a smart girl covered all her bases didn't she?

"Hey Tony, why don't we stop and have some lunch. Its the least I can do for you giving me a ride." She smiled wickedly to herself as he pulled into the small parking lot. If they were both lucky they would be giving each other and entirely different kind of ride before the afternoon turned into evening.

He was curious and a little nervous, but mostly he was supremely aware of her. Aware of the slightly spicy fragrance of her, aware of the way her eyes slid over his body when she thought he wasn't looking. He wanted her, he felt that, simply knew it, but couldn't quite get around how unreasonable it was. He didn't know her, and she didn't know him. There were a million possibilities that could get either or the both of them in trouble. He didn't seem to care. Maybe it was the danger of feeling this way about a stranger that was so intoxicating. Picking up a
strange woman off the street— no matter how beautiful she is— and then looking for the first available moment to drag her to bed, wasn't smart...hell It wasn't even safe, but he'd done it....was going to do it and damn the consequences. She was stunning, and for tonight she would be his. From the way her hand was brushing his thigh, the way she laughed, low and sexy as they pulled into the cafe parking lot, he didn't think she'd mind the arrangement.

He went around the car and opened the door for her, taking her hand lightly in his to help her from the car. She giggled at that, and he was enchanted, couldn't help being, by the pleasure that warmed her eyes at the simple gesture. Because he wanted to, he kept her hand in his as they walked into the small cafe, and she let him, charmed by the way he courted her when both knew he didn't have to. They ordered lunch and a bottle of wine, and they talked companionably through the meal. Each telling bits and pieces about their lives, their jobs, their homes. The waitress noticed the way they kept edging closer together. She noticed before they did that their hands were linked. Noticed that the pretty American was playing with his fingers and giggling. Ahh romance. The waitress sighed happily as she went to pour the regulars fresh coffee.

She was telling him about her trip. How she worked for the hotel industry and got to travel often and at little expense to her. This trip had been an indulgence though, and she was enjoying herself. "I have a suite at the Plaza back in the city," she smiled guiltily, but I was tired of theatres and shopping and decided I needed a few days of roughing it...so I put a few things in a back pack and set off to see the sights."

He had both of her hands now, was lightly skimming his lips over her knuckles. She felt the shivers of pleasure at the gentle kiss. "And have you liked what you've seen?" He asked softly as he lightly nipped at her skin, making her want to purr.

"At the moment," she said as she teases the tip of her foot up the back of his calf. "I'm very much enjoying the scenery."

He chuckled at that, and impulsively leaned into her, kissed her full on the mouth, the gesture was playful, But as their lips met both of them felt the heat of it and pulled back a little. Shaken and aroused. The sting of desire was sharp and deep, and he wanted her, no more pretense, no more playing around the edges of it. He met her gaze and smiled, reaching up to stroke a hand through her hair.

"I want you Chelle. I can't explain it, and I know it isn't sensible. But I want you, naked and in my arms and under me. Can I have you? Please say yes." She watched him, the heat curling low in her belly was overwhelming. They both knew from the start this was where it was all headed; he said it so plainly, so clearly it made her heart jump.
She leaned in to kiss him again, letting her tongue probe lightly into his mouth this time, smiling against his lips at his quiet groan.

"Yes." She whispered against his mouth, and then pulled away, rising from the table and going to pay for their lunch. She came back to the table with a fresh bottle of wine, a couple of glasses, and an order of chocolate mousse...to go. She smiled at him as he sat there, a slightly stunned, but mostly aroused expression on his face. He'd been watching her walk, the way the denim moved over her thighs as she moved.

When they entered what would be, for the next twenty four hours, their private sanctuary, her professional eyes took in every detail of the room, cataloged, approved, and then dismissed. He was right behind her, and as they stepped into the room, closing the door behind them he slid one arm around her waist and pulled her back against him. His lips found her neck in an instant, and his breath was warm against her skin as he whispered. "Chelle, baby...I want you so much...so much." His words trailed off into licking, nibbling kisses and her knees went weak as she relaxed against him. She turned in his arms as he slowly walked them, entwined, toward the bed. She was more than willing to give herself to him, to let him undress her, gently, with what seemed like hundreds of melting, mind numbing kisses all over her body. She was naked and under him, he was still fully clothed and he feasted on her.

He pushed his fingers between her legs, finding her sex damp, swollen and waiting for him. "Tony!" his name came out of her in a cry as he slid two, then three fingers deep into her cunt. Probing, teasing, testing. Her hips arched. He growled for her to keep her eyes open when they started to close in drowsy pleasure. He simply watched her as
he drove her to the first, desperate orgasm that swept through her like a fire. "Fast, she panted, so fast."...She was fighting the sensations, trying to hold off, trying to remain in control but his fingers were relentless, and when he slid his other hand in to grasp at her clit, to pinch it and tug it she came. Suddenly. Her body arching up, her breath catching then rushing out in a mindless cry as she shuddered and bucked against his long fingers.

"Oh god Tony....Oh god." Her head was rolling back and forth on the pillow, she was lost as he continued to stroke her, to drive her even as her body tried to squirm away. He held her, one hand on her stomach while his probing fingers found every shiver, every desperate spasm.

Sea Chelle 10-18-2002 04:30 PM

"Chelle." He smiled as he watched her come, smiled as he drew his fingers from her throbbing sex and licked them clean. "My beautiful stranger." He was undressing now as he talked to her, stripping his shirt from him body, unzipping his trousers. She watched his every move, hungry for him, needing him, but also lazy with the recent passion that had poured through her at his touch. "My sweet beautiful hitch-hiker, he murmured close to her ear as he laid his naked body over hers. Instinctively she reached for the hardness of his cock, needing to touch him , to feel him. He groaned as she gently jacked his cock pushing his hips into her hand when she squeezed it gently.

"Chelle." he growled, pushing her legs farther apart, dragging her hands away from him and pinning them over his her head. "I'm going to fuck you now baby. Going to slide my cock into you. Alright?" She arched up, the
soft cheeks of her ass lifting off the bed her only answer. He pushed forward, sliding into her a little at a time, moving into her, deeper, stretching her, making room for his desire inside of her tightness. The moans filling the room were his now as well as hers as he placed his hands on her hips and began to drive his cock deeply into her, fucking her in long, even strokes. She screamed, clutching at the headboard, rocking her hips up to meet each of his long, probing strokes. Her legs wrapped around his waist and pulled him deeper, her desire made her eyes glaze as he looked at her. Watched her, watched what they did to each other. He was watching his cock disappear into her again and again, amazed at the way she took him, swallowed him up, flexed her most intimate muscles around him, a stranger, someone who she didn't know, but now knew so intimately. He filled her, over and over, in out and in...then deeper, in in in....holding there, rocking short hard thrusts that stretched her, drove them both crazy. The friction on the swollen head of his cock was more than he could bare. The feel of him inside her, grinding his pubic
bone against her swollen clit was her whole world. She was nothing at this moment but the heat of her desire. Felt nothing, thought of nothing but the next jolt of his cock into her aching cunt.

She screamed then, cried, the tears running down her face as she came. Deeply, in long wracking spasms that seemed to go on forever. Dimly she was aware of his words. "Yes Chelle, come for me.....Come on me....Come on my cock....yesss..." She rode him, He fucked her, holding her impaled on his cock as she came for an eternity.
Then it was him that screamed. Her name a hoarse cry on his lips as his body stiffened, as his last desperate plunge pinned her to the bed. Her cunt began spasming all over again as the first hot white stream of semen poured into the deep close recesses of her pussy. He was filling her up, stream after stream of his passion working its way into every
inch of her cunt. Heating her, making her muscles contract, milking him, trying to get every drop of his come deep in her clinging sex.

They were both gasping for breath, skin damp with sweat, but he wasn't finished....wanted to watch her shatter. He was still buried inside her, still hard and when he looked down to where they were joined his sperm was oozing out around the base of his cock, slipping from the tender pussy that held him, wetting her thighs. He ran his finger through the sticky warmth of it, using the moisture to rub her still swollen clit in tight, hard circles. She whimpered as he rubbed her over-sensitive flesh. She pleaded, begged him to let her breathe for a moment. The aching pleasure of his touch teetering dangerously close to pain in its intensity.

"No," he murmured, watching her, fascinated by the way her eyes went wild, the way she bit her bottom lip and groaned her desire. "One more baby...one more while I'm still hard inside you, one more while you can come on my cock before it leaves you. And she came for him, brilliantly, sobbing and shuddering her body writhing her eyes finally closing in exhaustion as he slipped from her. His hand was still settled between her thighs, holding it there, cupping her sex gently stroking with feather soft touches as they curled around each other and fell into an
exhausted sleep.

jjjjbo 10-18-2002 05:52 PM

White hot!!!! another great story!

Lilith 10-20-2002 07:06 PM

Sea Chelle~ love your stories!

Glyndwr 10-29-2002 09:07 PM

Hi Chelle

Superb story, your descriptions are electrifying

Unregistered 10-30-2002 11:17 PM

the story made us hot and we started - no time to say any thing

Sea Chelle 11-02-2002 06:21 PM

Glyndwr--always happy to electrify you...*wicked Smile* glad you enjoyed the story


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