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Mistress 08-28-2001 06:38 PM

The why you picked your avatar thread....
So you read the question, answer it! ;)

Does your avatar represent you, is it you?
Or did it just look cool on the av screen?
So do you wish you could use a bigger av?
I know I do, I'm one of those people who likes to change her avs constantly and to fit her mood. How bout you?

Sharni 08-29-2001 01:05 AM

I chose to use this pic for my avatar because it's my favorite out of all the BJ pics of me and Bilbo :D

Nope...i dont mind them the size they are...

Sometimes change is good :)....i switched lots before i decided this was the one....and until we take a better pic...this avatar will stay


nutworld 08-29-2001 04:47 AM

can't say that I know.

Just seemed to be the one that "fit" the day I decided to post one.

Fang 08-29-2001 05:05 AM

Mine is a cartoon homage to my favorite of the monsters, the werewolf. Of course, with a name like Fang, what else would I have chosen as my av. I think it's a good representation of the side of myself that comes out here, a little devilish, a little beastly.

Mistress 08-29-2001 06:00 AM

Nice answers. :) Mine is of me also....

Anyone else?

Fang 08-29-2001 06:23 AM

Mistress, is your av a photo that has been enhanced? I never realized that. It's quite artistic. I really like the way the blue of your eyes stands out against the satiny white of your skin. Very nice.

Mistress 08-29-2001 06:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Yeah I made the eyes blue like my real ones. It is a actual photo of me, I am pale, very pale. though I am not as pale as the photo makes me look, color is messed up on my sanner ;)
What the hell I'll post the real photo.....

Mistress 08-29-2001 06:56 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Crap meant to post the one with the blue eyes...whew to damn early to be going to work.

SapphireTX 08-29-2001 07:15 AM

I'm new only been on this board a couple of days or so.....

I chose my username because I love blue Sapphires and I live in Texas. Then I chose my avatar because I collect Unicorns.

While surfing the board I came across another person who had the name "Sapphire" (glad I added the TX on mine) and she also had the avatar of the same Unicorn I chose. So I changed mine to the one I have now because it pretty much states who I am. Pretty shy..... I didn't want it to seem like I was a copy cat.

bogeyman 08-29-2001 07:56 AM

It is ME!!!
My av is a pic of me... I have had many comments on that pic so I decided to keep it..

Mercury_Maniac 08-29-2001 09:39 AM

i like mine cause i just do, i had a picture of my dick on here then i changed and now i can't change it back cause the picture is a .bmp, so you probably won't see that avatar anymore.

TDK 08-29-2001 03:01 PM

just wanted to post a av there, that is me there, hope u females out there liek it, hehehe


Alpha 08-29-2001 03:21 PM

My avatar
I chose mine because it moves so people are more likely to look at my replies

Mistress 08-29-2001 04:58 PM

Even more good answers :)
Yeah I'm bout ready to change my again if I can find one small enough, LOL!

Bilbo 08-30-2001 03:52 AM

Mine was sent to me a couple of years ago and it seemed quite at home here

Original attached

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