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NurseTraci 03-30-2002 06:35 PM

I must say my goodbyes
Hi everyone, well my time here at pixies was short lived. I must say my goodbyes. I am going away to a hospital where they say they will cure me of my eating disorder. Hah, I have heard that one before. Unfortunately, this is not the first hospitalization, I have been there before and now I will be there again. I am not sure when I will be out but they are allowing me to check my email. Feel free to email me andif not trust me I understand. When I get better the nurse will be back. Good luck in everything you all do and I will think fondly of you guys.

Sharni 03-30-2002 06:38 PM

Sorry to hear of your news Nurse......take care and get well soon

See you when you get back :)

mindboxer505 03-30-2002 06:52 PM

NNNNNOOOOOO...tell me it isnt soooo......!!!!!!
well nurse traci......i will be emailing ya......thats for sure.......wont let ya miss out on the haps at pixies.....count on it.!!!!!!!!

souls_cry2000 03-30-2002 08:13 PM

We'll all miss our fave nurse.

Lilith 03-30-2002 11:16 PM

Nurse Traci~I am sending good thoughts and tons of positive energy your way.......I wish you peace and a lasting recovery! *kisses* & (hugs)~~~~~~>Lilith

Oldfart 03-31-2002 02:31 AM


Do the fixing and get your bum back here please.

We cannot afford to shelve any of our active members,

(pressure hint to get back soon.)


scotzoidman 03-31-2002 02:44 AM

Best of luck in recovery, we need the nurse's touch around here...

danziggy 03-31-2002 06:23 AM

Sorry to hear you are going away but we will all be here if and when you return. Hope you are ok.

Grumble 03-31-2002 07:05 AM

Hey Traci,

I wish you the best and hope you can beat it Hun

will email too, we need you back here

Hugs and kisses

legend 03-31-2002 09:51 AM

I wish you all the best. Hope you recover quickly and join us back here. We'll miss you while your away and I'm sure everyone here is wishing for your good health.

quisath 03-31-2002 01:27 PM

Take Care Honey and remember to return to us. No matter what Happens. I won't say Goodbye because it isn't........we'll be seeing you later. How's that?

Saddaddy 03-31-2002 01:33 PM

Traci ,
Here is to a Speedy Recovery & to Good Health! Hope to see You REAL SOON....

MilkToast 03-31-2002 02:15 PM

Traci, hope you are doing well in short order... we'll keep an ear/eye out for ya!!! Get well soon...

GermanSteve 03-31-2002 04:23 PM

I wish you very good success. And I hope to see you soon back here.

pje 03-31-2002 07:34 PM

Good luck on what you have to do Traci.You will be missed around here.Oh and i enjoyed your webpage and the pics that were on them.

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