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Reverend Silky 03-09-2002 04:42 AM

Payin' for a stab-wound.
okay, so i saw that tattoos were covered, but does anybody pack any dangly hole-punchin' steel in their flesh? call it a piercer's curiosity... or crippling boredom. either way. transdermal implantation and bifercation count, by the way.

jay 03-09-2002 08:57 AM

-I had two nose rings and a eye brow ring but had to take them out for work would like to get somthing else done but I don't know what yet

Sarriah 03-09-2002 11:12 AM

I had my nose done, but fell out when i got sick lol... Now i just have ears and my tongue :P

Wicked Wanda 03-09-2002 02:46 PM

I fainted when I had my earlobes done at 15.
No more piercings for me!

(but dates with pierces tongue can be fun...)



Sarriah 03-09-2002 03:49 PM

yes pierced tongues are fun, both me and my hubby have them done its great! :)


Reverend Silky 03-09-2002 05:23 PM

let's see... i've had my ears pierced and stretched so many times, i lost count. had the tongue done twice... right eyebrow five times... oh, and the PA. had plans for tongue bifercation since i was 13, but recently changed my stance when i saw Marilyn Manson had his done. long story, don't ask. the big lobes and the PA were my favorites, and i hated havin' a pierced tongue and continue to hate actually piercing tongues. i think it's useless, but different strokes. still want some coral implants, though.

Lilith 03-10-2002 01:04 PM

After 20 years of wanting it done, I just pierced my nostril. I love it! Now I want to get my nips done but am way to scared. I saw some nipple shields on a web site and they would look so damn sexy but I guess I will keep thinking on it.
Good Reverend~ what does PA stand for?

danziggy 03-10-2002 04:13 PM

belly rings
i have to say belly rings do it for me. when you are on your back up the body and you get to the belly ring.......mmmmmmm......its cold and hard and so different from where you have just been.

everyone now thinks im mad but what the heck!! :D :D

MissX 03-10-2002 04:21 PM

I've got two tattoos and I've thought about piercings but they just seem to be too painful and ...I have a really stupid fear of them getting pulled out accidentally.

How does the pain compare with getting tatts and how safe are they?

Sarriah 03-10-2002 07:59 PM

Piercings are safe. But make sure the piercer is clean and can do the type of pierving that you want done. Although you do have the risk of them being pulled on, but pulled out, i have yet to hear of that happening to someone hehe. I think that the difference between tats and rings are tats hurt the whole time your getting done, say on about a hour sesion. Piercings hurt for the second that they go in and then hurt while they heal. My tounge hurt for almost two weeks, if i would move wrong or eat the wrong things. But if you have a tat you know that they only hurt while they are getting done, then thats it. At least it was for me.. Although i hated the itching drove me nuts LOL...

Sar --,--'-@

Reverend Silky 03-11-2002 02:30 AM

Prince Albert, Lilith. as the story goes, the aforementioned prince carried a genital piercing, so... there ya go. it's a ring worn in the urethra that... it's hard to explain. oh, wait... *thinks* i got a photo of mine before i took it out if yer legitimately interested. just go in my profile, mail me, and i'll respond with the photo.

safety is always an issue with any form of body-mod. any shop can LOOK clean, but it's up to you to ask the right questions about their sterilization procedures and such.

oh, and Sarriah... word. *grin* you summed it up perfectly. i give people pretty much the same rap. but i'm tryin' to figure out just how yer tongue hurt for two weeks. usually when i stick a licker, if they follow my stringent aftercare, all their pain and swelling is gone after three days max.

also, Lilith, nipples are a fiery bitch. i won't bullshit ya. they're almost always considerably less painful for women, what with the almost constant pressure from bras n' shit, but they still sting like an ill-tempered Irish bee on a bender. not the actual procedure, mind you. no, it's usually in the following weeks of aftercare. the first time you turn a crusty into yer nipple... well... hehe. let's just say you'll hate life for a couple weeks. but after that, almost every nipple i've pierced, the person attached loved 'em and wouldn't trade 'em for a burlap bag full o' Girls Gone Wild videos. if you have any questions about it, feel free to ask.

Sarriah 03-11-2002 09:29 PM

LOL ok i took great care of my tongue, cleaned when needed ate only what i could. But the thing is is I have a very very small mouth (I think) you wouldnt know by looking at me and I have one face pic that I can post here soon. But when I sleep, I kinda suck my mouth together lol if you can picture that (I dont drool) But it kinda made it worse healing, the ring was soooooo big in my mouth and to sleep and have it sit there with NO moving room. I think thats why it hurt alot. During the day it was fine, but night time and mornings were hell. Oh and I had to change it for a lil bit about 4 days after I got it cause i had to go into a MRI, So doc made me get plastic one. Of course my piercer was pissed but oh well....Its all better now..


Reverend Silky 03-12-2002 06:15 AM

so, so many 'sucking' jokes to make... *fights the urge* okay... well, that's understandable. yers may've been painful, but at least you kept it. i stuck my cousin, he went through the agony of aftercare, and even ordered some frilly after-market stuff for his new jewelry socket... only to take it out the very DAY it was completely healed. i coulda beaten him with his own arms. it was a clean, clear, perfect piercing, and his flighty ass takes it out. i swear, i love the industry, but i hate the clientele.

jay 03-12-2002 09:24 AM

rev. silky ever done or evan heard of a cheng ball ?

Lilith 03-12-2002 09:46 AM

explain Jay for old people like me......

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