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Lovediva 02-27-2002 10:53 AM

********The Bitching Thread********
I took this idea from reading the posts after seeing Scotz's attachment in the funny picture thread about "Some asshole talking on his cell phone got creamed!"

On a daily basis things piss us off....could be the clerk at a department store, the paperboy, your boss and yes even your spouse..... :D

SOOOOOOO....here is the thread to VENT YOUR FRUSTRATIONS!

My frustration for today is :

The damn Snowplow driver!!!

Over the past week, we have received about 60 cm of snow and I think the snowplow drivers wait around the corner, until you are done shovelling........then decide to go by!!! They must love doing that!!! Piss me off...... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! :D :D :D

Radies 02-27-2002 11:02 AM

I work in a grocery store....and nothing pisses me off more than when we get these stupid ass customers who go and buy $500 worth of stuff 5 minutes before we close....i mean come on...don't you think i want to have a life too!!!!

NurseTraci 02-27-2002 03:07 PM

I am in college trying to get my degree in nursing. I get up at 5:30 every Tuesday morning so that I can show up on time for class so that I can learn and excell. There are two women, and it never fails, that show up, take the daily test, complain about their scores and instead of staying and getting help they leave. Now, ordinarily I wouldn't care what they do, but yesterday in particular, they came to me and asked for my help. WHAT THE TRASH?!?!?! If you want help, stay in class and get it from the teacher. Don't ask me to take time out of my day to help you if you dont care about your education or problems. I mean seriously, would anyone else have helped them? Or am I just a mean person? ARGH!!!!!!!

Lady Pleaser 02-27-2002 05:08 PM

Damn people who won't get out of the snow plows way, I almost ran over three of them today.

Saddaddy 02-27-2002 05:18 PM

People Who Pull Out on the Road In Front Of A Big Truck & take off Slow! AirBrakes Don't Stop A Big Rig FAST! Is it Me or are They Trying for a new Career as a HOOD ORNAMENT!

mindboxer505 02-27-2002 05:51 PM

I don't usually get ''pissed off'' at people, but those that can't use common courtesy, like saying ''excuse me'' when they bump into you kinda irritate me the most. I work in a large retail store and it really gets me how rude some customers are...

luv2please 02-27-2002 06:06 PM

People who get pissed off really piss me off!:p

sugarfreecandy 02-27-2002 06:24 PM

Well, since you asked... I'm not angry kind of person, but there are a few things that just can't help but piss me off (sorry, Luv2Please :D). My personal pet peeve? Inaccessible buildings, and wheelchair lifts and doors that break down incessantly. Try pushing an almost 200-lb man in a wheelchair up a ramp in 6 inches of snow (with a layer of sheet ice underneath) wearing heels and a skirt, and you'll have an idea of what a date with my boyfriend feels like. Imagine that he's a sweetie and has just presented you with a dozen roses... which he is now carrying in his lap while you try to maneuver him, his chair, and the extra width of the flower box backwards through a door which you have propped open with your foot and/or your backside because the mechanical opener is broken for the fourth time this month.

Honestly, it's not such a hassle for me to deal with it, and I'm pretty used to this sort of thing by now (we've been together almost 2 1/2 years), but what's the guy supposed to do when he's alone and trying to make it in by himself? It's ridiculous... :rolleyes:

--- sweetstuff

Sharni 02-27-2002 08:56 PM

Drivers who think that their mirrors and indicators are there for purely decorative purposes...:mad:

Lovediva 02-27-2002 09:07 PM

Damn people who won't get out of the snow plows way, I almost ran over three of them today.

I knew there would be a snowplow driver here...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....man oh man..let me at him!!!! :D :D

Tim Horton's drive through....grrrrrr...they are slow...
maybee they would be alot faster if they woudl stop asking the people "Would you like a muffin or donut with that mam?"

If I wanted a muffin or donut...don't you think I would have ordered one after I orderd my black coffee????? grrrrrrrrrrrr

katekate42 02-27-2002 09:50 PM

I wonder if this is just me.... I am a college student and one of the worst observations about people that I've made since I started school is that the people who are just plain clueless are always the ones with the most to say! Ugh! There is a guy in a sociology class I'm taking who announced the other day that women should not be allowed in the workforce because they are more nurturing and should be taking care of kids... let's just say he saw a very un-nurturing side of Kate that day...

Sharni 02-27-2002 10:10 PM

let's just say he saw a very un-nurturing side of Kate that day

lmao....sorry but that just cracked me up

On the serious side.....no it is not just you

scotzoidman 02-27-2002 11:20 PM

Down here, it's the Hardee's drive-thru... always asks you if you would like to try our new smoked sausage biscuit, or apple-cinnimmon roll, or "$6 burger", etc.... only reason I don't give em a scathing sarcastic reply, is I don't want to piss off anybody who could spit on my food...

RedNLaycee 02-28-2002 09:43 AM

Have to agree with a couple of them here...
The cell phone users, I work in a store/truck stop. People come in talking away on the phone and tell me I am rude cause I don't want to interupt their 'oh so important phone call that cannot wait until I'm done shopping' and not say hi or thank you.

Saddaddy--I know what you mean...know alot of truckers and even tried to help a driver that died from trying to avoid a four wheeler

jay 02-28-2002 10:46 AM

Customers who get bitchy with me when I ask them if they want a muffin with that.... just joking

what realy pisses me off is people I work in the service industrie and for the most part I find that people are just rude and inconsiderit )sorry about the spelling)

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