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silentsoul 08-20-2004 08:37 PM

Thinkin of the if's
Ok, first off, I'm drunk so if this makes no sense I'm sorry.

Ok, for whatever reason I just started listening to a CD that I used to listen to with my first and only other sexual partner I've had. That got me a thinkin. Basically my first sexual partner was the opposite of my lovely wife. Big tits, big body (but not fat), big sexual appetite, and most of all a big imagination.

The first sexual act that I really had was when Me and her went parking next to a lake. She liked it rough, she had begged me to "force myself" on her but until now I had no idea what that ment. Today thoughy I fvound myself pressed up against my first sexual partner. She was getting so hot when I pinned her hands on the roof and told her how much I just waqnted to fuck the living hell out of.

Now anyone who has seen the the thread "hot off the cam" has seem how hot my girly really is. She's sexy in a small way, small tits, small frame, small edverything but she's completely different than my first. You know my wife's sexy little itty bitty's well these were easy double d's. I've tried to fun=ck my girl in the ass so many times I've lost time, my first actually BEGGED me to fuck her in the ass. Everything was opposite.

What all this drunken meandering comes down to is for those of you who like me, know that they have found their one and only, how often t=do you think about what it would be like if you went the opposite way if life. Everyone has a distiguishing point in their life that decides the outcome of the rest of their life and I for one often think about what would happen if I chose the opposite.

oh and by the way, please feel free in expressing details but what differences do you think would exist if you had zigged when you zagged.


cowgirltease 08-20-2004 08:43 PM

IF your aunt had balls she would be your uncle. :D

Everything happens for a reason. Don't try to figure it out. Just enjoy the ride. :)

imaginewithme 08-20-2004 08:48 PM

I like what CGT said above. Sure you can't help but to think what if...but there's a reason she wasn't the one.....

silentsoul 08-20-2004 09:03 PM

oh good lord I know the reasons why she wasn't the one but isn't it wild to think of instead on being with this submissive little sex kitten your with this demanding sexual wild cat if nothing but for just a moment.

it's just wild to me how one discision can and will affect lifetimes over and over again.

cowgirltease 08-20-2004 09:12 PM

I think you are underestimating your little sex kitten there. you guys are young and she's got alot of exploring to do. If that's what you want you need to tell her and help her be confident enough to be agressive with you.

Prophet Reality 08-20-2004 09:57 PM

I agree with CGT, tell your sex kitten what you want. ANd it doesn't have to be an all the time situation either. Just tell her that you want her to be more assertive and aggressive and see waht happens. I bet she does surprise you. And as far as the what if's go. I do think back on my earlier partners and wonder what if from time to time.

Lilith 08-20-2004 10:03 PM

Your sex kitten may turn 35 some day and devour you whole...forever is a long time and people evolve. Instead of thinking "what if" think "what will".

dreamgurl 08-20-2004 10:14 PM

I don't know just what to say here but I will try a little bit of humor, it may not help but you can always :whack: me. In the end it's always easer to look back and say what if, but look at all you have now and think because that happened you have what you do now.

" if , ifs and buts were candy and nuts it would be Christmas all year long"

Loulabelle 08-21-2004 11:54 AM

As others have said, I'm detecting a hint of whistfulness......that perhaps you'd like to be 'swept off your feet' from time to time, which is perfectly healthy.

Fussy and I often take on different roles in our love making, where one day I'm the one demanding it, and then next day he is. If you feel your relationship would benefit from a bit of role reversal from time to time (and whose doesn't?) then talk to your other half about it. You may need to work on her confidence a little - it takes a lot to play 'sex siren' after years of playing 'sex kitten' but every woman has both sides in her......trust me, we do! ;)

PantyFanatic 08-21-2004 01:01 PM

First off soul, you know my job here is to be our village :jester:, so :whack: for making me get serious.

Making MAJOR decisions in life is not a situation I've ever found spontaneity to very useful for. One of the FEW euphonies in my life, (and one I truly tried hard to pass on to my own kids) was that after you have done the hard part of weighing all the facts and decided your course, :rolleyes: you can only think you were NOT so honest :o if you have to look back and ask "what if". You chose the best way to go and if it doesn't materialize exactly as you foresaw, you have to believe the unknowns of the lesser option would have been MUCH worse when they played through. That is why you made the choice you did, if you truly were honest. (NOT always so easy to do) I never look back with regret when I feel I gave it my best shot.

As for the fortunate choice you made with
...how hot my girly really is. She's sexy in a small way, small tits, small frame, small edverything...
, I believe that the laws of physics will prove you right when the theorem of Time + Mass + Gravity works it’s consistent. ;)

I understand your fresh enthusiasm to explore every bend and turn of your sexual river journey, but remember “still water runs deep”. You may have to go to HER depth. You might BOTH find more than you thought was there. :D

I think it was equally difficult for me to understand :bang: what old fucks like me were saying when I was “young and dumb and full of cum”.

Last piece of advice I have for you is, DON’T make a serious post when your :wine: mind is meandering. :ahole:


Oldfart 08-21-2004 02:07 PM

What PF didn't say, and I suspect he was avoiding it, is that you are no

longer the person you were when all this wonderful stuff was happening, and

neither is she. You can't go back.

The desire to recapture the heady rush is normal, and becomes a huge trap

for some people going through phases such as the dreaded mid-life crisis.

Find something to take your mind off it.

Finally, your new love may simply not have it in her (to coin a phrase) to be

a frenetic wildcat, and to push too hard may damage the love you share.

Good luck.

imaginewithme 08-21-2004 02:09 PM

I wasn't always as interested in sex as I am now...we've been together 15 years now and I really threw him for a loop when I went from being timid to needing it all the time.

Communication is very important!

silentsoul 08-21-2004 02:10 PM

okay, you guys kinda missed the point here. Me and my little kitten have and are experimenting with different stuff and we both know there's still a lifetime of exploring to do.

What I was more talking about, is how often outta no where you all of a sudden start thinking of an old ex. For me, in the past 3-4 years I've maybe thought of my ex all of 15 minutes. The thing is, I can't figure out why. I in no way miss the relationship or anything and basically it was a waste of time but just every once in a blue moon, bam, it's in my head like a railroad stake.

I'm basically wondering if anyone else has spells like this when you can't get someone outta your head when you really want them out.

PantyFanatic 08-21-2004 02:23 PM

Yeah! What OF said! I'm sure I was thinking that too.

lmao :D

(.... always listen to OF. FOR REAL!!!)

dreamgurl 08-21-2004 03:05 PM

I think everyone has those moments where their mind just wanders back to a certian person or place. Its human nature to question things, and when you mix that with booze it's a sure spell for confusion. I guess what I'm trying to say is yeah I've had times where I look back to the guys I've dated and say, " Wonder what it would be like now?" But I just have to stop and look at my situation now (along with theirs) and have my little thank goodness that didn't work moment. But yeah I do get those times where it hits me out of nowhere, like I'll hear their name or even see a car like theirs.

Hope I got the point you were trying for that time.

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