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TRUSTNO1 03-15-2004 03:25 PM

Would You Rather #5
Would You Rather??

Walk into a strip bar and find your daughter dancing
in a cage naked performing lesbian acts with another


Have your daughter tell you she met some man and
now she is going to join the Peace Corp?

Personally I would pick her stripping and having sex with a lesbian...what can I say i'm just a perv :p

paprclphd 03-15-2004 03:29 PM

ummm.. tough decision I guess - I am going to say Peace Corp.

Sharni 03-15-2004 03:33 PM

Peace Corp

fzzy 03-15-2004 03:38 PM

Peace Corp, but that is not an unheard of event in my family, the group as a whole is pretty service oriented, so peace corp would be a point of "pride" ... I don't think strip club would ellicit the same response. :)

dreamgurl 03-15-2004 04:34 PM

peace corp

Lilith 03-15-2004 04:40 PM

Peace Corp

flutelady 03-15-2004 05:09 PM

No question... Peace Corp

osuche 03-15-2004 06:50 PM

Peace Corp ... is resume- and mind-enhancing

LixyChick 03-15-2004 07:38 PM

<--------I gotta be me!

I'd prefer her to be doing the lesbian stuff....and not for the same reason as TN1 either!

In this day and age....the world is in shambles (so far as terroism and war)....and I'd much rather have her close at home till all the hub-bub is over. Can anyone say WORLD PEACE?

I know....I'm nut, eh? Just bear in mind, I am one of the few Pixies without children......so it is a further stretch of the imagination for me!

skipthisone 03-16-2004 01:25 PM

Cant she take the stripper with her to the peace corp????

WildIrish 03-16-2004 01:35 PM

Peace Corps...that way if she ever does become a stripper performing lesbian acts in a cage, it'll be in another country and I won't accidentally walk in on it!

darogle 03-16-2004 03:01 PM


Is the strip club in a rougher part of town than where her Peace Corp assignment will be???

J/K I'd have to say the peace corp hands down

rabbit 03-21-2004 02:12 PM

Peace Corps!

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