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Master1012 05-24-2003 08:57 PM

IYO what should I do?
For those of you who checked out my last post in the advice section ( How to let go [ need advice plz ] ) I appreciate what you said.

Well, we broke up Thursday night :mad: after 17 months and 12 days so she can have her space or whatever.

... My feelings for her remain the same though. She is the one I want to be with. I am 99% sure of it, lol.

So should I actively hope and work toward getting us back together ?

Or should I not care either way and move on and if she comes back then thats cool?

Anyone out there have experience with these sort of feelings?

jennaflower 05-24-2003 09:03 PM

my suggestion to you would be to move on.. work on your life.. towards your goals... if she is meant to come back into your life.. then she will... but there is absolutely no reason why you should put your life on hold for her. She has made her choices, she chose her space.. and that is exactly what she might need.

Don't count the rest of the female population out just yet.. at this point you may believe that she was/is the "one".... you might be suprised to find your soulmate around the next corner of your journey..


Sharni 05-24-2003 09:11 PM

My opinion would be to move on...hard as that may be...but she may not come back and you may have wasted your time waiting :)

airhog 05-24-2003 10:57 PM

I would say move on, especially if she said she needs space. It may be that you are smothering her, and working to try and get her back will only drive her away even more.

I would recommend not notcing her. Dont call her, and dont talk to her for some length of time. If she has a change of heart she will make her feeling known.

Master1012 05-24-2003 11:08 PM

Hmmm... I forgot to mention this but...

It's going to be hard to avoid / not talk to her as we both attend the same church.

She isn't going to stop going cuz like she's all religious and I'm not going to stop going cuz like I'm really trying to make my relationship with God better and its the church I was baptized in and I dont see a reason for me not to go jus cuz we broke up and all.

Dont know if that fact is that important or not but maybe someone can give me a hint on how to act in that situation as well?

PantyFanatic 05-24-2003 11:17 PM

Are you being honest? (with your self?)

One of the attributes of most God’s is omnipresents.:rolleyes:

Steph 05-24-2003 11:21 PM

If I were you, I'd just avoid her for a while. Who knows? Maybe she'll change her mind and want to talk soon. IMHO, being alone after a break-up is crucial. It helps you learn more about yourself and what you want.

ericthered 05-25-2003 03:05 AM

Sorry - but there is no way you're going to get the toothpaste back in the tube. Just treat her like a distant acquaintance for the next year or so, and run around looking for as much free and unattached pussy as you can. After another 6 months or a year you might be ready to appreciate whoever you're making love to.

aflyerfan 05-25-2003 04:19 AM

Master,I have been in your exact position and the easiest thing for others to say is"move on with your life". I know that isnt easy or true. I really believe my ex is my one true love,but I pass the time hanging with friends and it does get easier. Im not the type to just screw anything that comes my way.so I just try and have some fun and do things to get my mind off of her.

Casperr 05-25-2003 05:35 AM

Like everyone said, it's time to move on. That door's closed, look for the opened one.

When you see her, just treat her with respect, as a friend. It'll be awkward at first - you'll both be trying to decide where to set the boundaries. But if I were you, I'd aim to be more distant than close. Start of just being friends, not close friends. Can't explain it, it just seems to work better in my experience.

The one thing you want to avoid is being clingy - she needs space, back off! :)

And always, just be yourself!
Good luck!

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