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-   -   Is being on this forum / site a sin? (http://www.pixies-place.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6619)

Master1012 04-05-2002 01:39 PM

Is being on this forum / site a sin?
PJE mentioned that in the cheating poll that being on a forum of this nature is a sin?

What do you all think?

Personally, I don't since I use the site to help better my activities with my g/f. I don't use the pics..just the stories and forums..

Sweet Chastity 04-05-2002 02:13 PM

I love this forum! Just wanted to point that out right now.

Cheating is so broad an issue and it really is subjective. Some guys might consider their woman with another woman as not being unfaithful yet with another man it is.

I think ppl need to express this when they decide to be monogomous. To me cheating is when a man/woman has physical sexual contact with another person without their partner's consent.

If 2 ppl want an open relationship then that's fine for them. I would consider being with a guy (or girl? I'm curious) who is in an open relationship. I have been with a man in a closed one and quite honestly it wasn't worth it. I felt I compromised my moral beliefs for cheap sex that wasn't all that good. It was quick, hard to find time, lying, and I knew despite his claims that I really meant nothing to him. I have nothing against purely sexual relationships but I want to be able to get some when I want it too, not when he could fit me in or when he's in the mood.

Now phone sex, online chats, cybering, that is a whole new area to deal with. I personally feel it falls under the porn category, right along with movies and magazines. I do it, I love it and I want to keep doing it. As long as it doesn't lead to infatuation and a real life meeting, I'm cool with it. So this forum is cool with me.

But I know some ppl aren't comfortable with these sort of activities. I think it's up to the individual. I don't think one person should ask another to stop but in the same respect if you really love someone then why do something you know hurts them? I think that in that situation the person should do it not in secret but just so that they aren't shoving it in the other's face. And that person should respect that the one they love isn't doing it in front of them and just leave it go.

But if someone really thinks forums and porn are cheating then they need to sit down and have a serious talk and come to a mutual decision. Perhaps if they have that opposing views they should look for partners closer to their nature.

Sweet Chastity

me_carl 04-05-2002 02:30 PM

Sweet Chastity;
That has to be the most thought out description of cheating that I have ever heard. Very deep. To top it off, I fully agree.

sugarfreecandy 04-05-2002 03:05 PM

Sweet Chastity --- Thank-you so much for your thoughtful analysis. I tend to agree with you on your careful distinctions, and on the reasoning behind them.

Let me also say that I don't believe that anything I am engaged in at Pixies' (whether it be serious sharing of opinions, light-hearted sexual banter, posting/viewing pictures, or reading stories) is harmful to me, nor do I believe that I am hurting anyone else in the process. In fact, I have made some very dear friends here and we have been able to help each other through some very difficult times; through them I feel that I have become a better person. I am agnostic and do not particularly believe in 'sin' as defined in any holy book, but I do feel that on a very basic level sins are those voluntary actions and/or thoughts that are hurtful to the self or to others --- and by that definition, I don't feel that I'm sinning here at all.

--- sweetstuff

Oldfart 04-05-2002 07:42 PM

I'm with SFC.

A sin is when you break your own code of right and wrong.

You know when you've stepped over the line.

legend 04-06-2002 07:47 AM

a sin is when you spill your beer :D

Lilith 08-22-2008 07:20 PM

Forgive me Father for I have sinned...

If loving you is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

citrus 08-25-2008 05:01 PM

sin is relative to the guilt you're made to feel by someone influential that can get others also to pour on the guilt trip so you'll eventually hate yourself and the things you do. Self-doubt about things you do takes over and soon you become secretive or hide somethings or you rebel, lash out and show all. That's when the shit gets thick and the finger pointers have yer ass in their sling. :fone:
Fuck them. This place is from God.
Yeah, right said the bible thumper. So is beezlebub, the devil. :huh:
"Ha!" says I, "Peeps isn't trying to lure people away from anything nor toward anything. We're a forum for topical, atypical and less mainstream daily conversation.":bjhappy:

TY Lil, 4 the :bump:

About that sin being relative thing, these are definitely things that are wrong. God or not:
warm beer;
peanut butter in refrigerator;

Lilith 08-25-2008 05:25 PM

Amen Brother Citrus. I hear ya on the PB

jseal 08-25-2008 05:31 PM


I doubt that one can decide what a Sin is without deciding what the Good is.

Doable, but it does require real effort.

osuche 08-25-2008 11:36 PM

No, unless by posting you are sinning against yourself

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

Scarecrow 08-26-2008 01:01 PM

A sin is something that you believe that your spirital being thinks is wrong.

Lord Snow 08-26-2008 01:28 PM

So far it seems that everyone that's posted on this thread agrees that this is site and all that entails is not a sin. However, it stands to reason that if you are of a belief system that thinks Pixies and sites like it are a sin, why would you be on here in the first place? If you're on here because you don't agree with your belief system, then it's time to find a new one don't you think? Me personally, if it makes you happy and doesn't make anyone important to you unhappy, how can it be wrong? If it's not wrong, it can't be a sin.

Lilith 08-26-2008 06:31 PM

I have known members who have been truly conflicted between their spiritual beliefs, personal beliefs, what they are being told by others, and their own needs.

rabbit 08-26-2008 07:48 PM

I've never believed that being on this site is a sin. The only reason why my wife doesn't know about "rabbit" is that she'd strongly disapprove.

I decided long ago that there would be some things that I would be selfish with, that I wouldn't ever ask anyone else's permission to do. Being a part of this community is one of them.

I have no regrets or apologies to offer.

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