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Kaelynn 01-14-2006 06:40 AM

One Date Down
Hey everyone... I know it has been a long time since I posted... But I just had an amazing date and I have to ask my fellow pixies some questions, cause of course I am questioning everything that has just taken place in the last 24 hours.

I met a guy in a yahoo chat room two nights ago, and I threw caution into the wind and decided to meet him today. Totally not what I expected when I saw him in person, he was 110% better. I reached out my hand he shook it, sliding his cheek along mine, one of my favorite little boy tricks. He then took me to his "thinking spot" which is a rock quarry that isn't far from where he lives.

While walking around I saw some of the prettiest scenery, a beautiful lake looking thing and really cool rock formations. There was a lot of walking semi hiking involved and at many points I was unsure where to place my feet esp because I am scared of hieghts. When the boy finally kissed me, two hours into the walk, he made me weak in the knees. He treated me so respectful, taking my hand if he thought I was unsteady... and just the manor in which he talked to me. He even gave me his coat when I was cold.

After about four hours at the quarry we headed back to my car. While sitting there I only had one thought on my mind, I wanted him to take me home, watch a movie and sleep since we both hadn't slept from the day before. I told him what I thought. He sat quietly in the front seat of my car for about 15 mins and then told me, "I have to go home."

So I drove him to his car, and we listened to some music and then he asked me for a kiss before he left, me playing hard to get told him no. He debated with me for a few minutes and then I gave into him and kissed him one last time, hoping he would change his mind and ask me to follow him home... didn't happen. So I got out of my car and while he was loading up his, I stood at his driver door waiting for him to come to get in. I took his head in my hands and gave him one more slow soft gentle kiss, I didn't want to let him go... Then he got in his car and drove away.

I have been left sitting here thinking about him ever since. I am never so relaxed about meeting people, and I never admit to myself very quickly that I like someone, but he is different. I like him a lot... I am all about this kid. I am stuck sitting here wondering if he likes me just as much, and I honestly don't know the answer. I wanted him to take me home so badly and he refused. I know that starting a relationship off sexually is a very bad idea if you want a "true" lasting one, but I have never had a fire burn so deep inside. It reminds me a lot of how I felt about James (my first). I think about the way he touched me and the kisses he gave, and shivers run rampid on my spine and his colonge is stuck somewhere deep in my nose, I can't stop smelling him, which makes me desire him worse...

I am not really sure how I am going to supress these ideas in my head, he isn't a guy that sleeps around, and he is what I truely want and desire. I am so scared when he finds out what kind of girl I am (I havn't told him that I am sexual at all, he doesn't know I write stories or am a member of a sex forum), he isn't going to like me... I really don't know what to do or even how to tell him with out it sounding like I want to sleep with him (which I do). I don't want him to think I only want to use him for sex, I want so much more... How do I present this side of me without being too forward?

Lilith 01-14-2006 07:18 AM

Well not on the first date... or necessarily the second. Slow down. Enjoy the feelings but if it's going to materialize into something you have to let it.

osuche 01-14-2006 12:01 PM

Slow down and savor the butterflies! They're unique and special in their own way. :)

Glad you had a good time....and you've found someone who could be very special.


mayhem1978 01-14-2006 02:47 PM

speaking as a man.....enjoy the romance you have found a rare beast there lol

Oldfart 01-14-2006 06:23 PM

Think of it like a nice hot bath you just want to luxuriate in, bubbles, scent and all..

rabbit 01-14-2006 09:49 PM

Hey Kaelynn, so glad you had a terrific time.

Yes, slow down a bit and take your time. Allow your relationship to build before you move into sexual mode.

lizzardbits 01-15-2006 01:22 AM

Originally Posted by mayhem1978
speaking as a man.....enjoy the romance you have found a rare beast there lol

^^^is one of those "rare beasts". He is a borne romantic (makes~my~toes~curl kind romantic) so he knows what he's talking about!

Savor that romance, let it tease and tantalize you, make you feel how REALLY wonderful you are, and the when the time is right for both of you.....OMG girlfriend!!!! ...and it just gets better and better after that!

Belial 01-16-2006 07:40 AM

Woohoo! Well done Kaelynn :) *lotsa hugs*

Steph 01-16-2006 08:36 PM

I'm dating a guy who never dated someone who loves the 'net like me. That was a shock enough for him but when I told him about this place, it was really shocking for him but he was suprisingly fine with it.

Now, if something is going on in the world, he might ask, "What do the Pixies people have to say about that?" :) So, you might be surprised! He might be cool with it.

It's awesome that you made such a connection so quickly! Enjoy it!

PantyFanatic 01-16-2006 09:37 PM

It’s HEADS! :D

You won!… and with a shinny new penny at that.

Sounds like you lucked up. :) Like the others said,… give it a minute to catch up to itself. We all know that it’s nicer when the flood gates open by themselves, instead of with dynamite. ;) ………. And they WILL open up. :D

On the other hand,:rolleyes: the flip of the coin toss with meeting someone you contacted in a chat room two days before, some place more public and retreatable from than a rock quarry might not be a bad thought for a first date. I want you coming back here for a long time. ;)

Kaelynn 01-18-2006 02:56 AM

Thanks for the advice PF. I am usually not so stupid and careless. If it makes you feel any better we met at a Walmart first... and hung out there for a little while before we headed anywhere that secluded. None the less I am usually much much more safe.

Thank you for being concerned... *kiss on the cheek*

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