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Wildeye 03-28-2017 05:10 PM

Fucked Up Life
I did something bad - I was unfaithful in 2010. a one-off fuck. Raw sex, no romance, no affair, no emotions.

Bad sex and I put it to back of my mind forever.

Sept Last Year - diagnosed HIV +. Totally destroyed me - had to tell spouse. Luckily she is not

But it was double fuck up - Yes I was unfaithful and yes I'm HIV Pos.

Think that we not going to carry on together. Plus just found out that the HIV has led to me getting Porphyria - Madness of King George.

My advice is always play safe. I did not and I have messed up so many lives.


dm383 03-29-2017 12:53 AM

Not sure what I can say to that Wildeye.

Not much really, other than to offer you my condolences and wish you the best journey possible.


Wildeye 03-29-2017 05:39 PM

Dm. Thanks
No need to offer anything, just be very careful. Play safe!

PantyFanatic 03-29-2017 10:34 PM

Thank you very much for having the guts to open this nightmare to us. We both know there is nothing we can do to assist dealing with the situation but keep in mind you are by far not the first to face it and who has gone on to an adjusted life. Without a doubt you've given us all a moment of reflection.

Wildeye 03-30-2017 11:42 AM


That's all I can do. So easy to contract. I should have put on a confirm.

Teddy Bear 04-01-2017 11:14 AM

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda.....

We can't go back in time. Sometimes it'd be so nice if we could.

I am sorry this happened to you. And I wish you the best in the future.

Lilith 04-01-2017 05:25 PM

Wildeye- good reminder about playing with fire and getting burned. I too have been scorched. There are great drug protocols and hopefully you have a great doc. Keep us posted.

rabbit 04-02-2017 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by Lilith
Wildeye- good reminder about playing with fire and getting burned. I too have been scorched. There are great drug protocols and hopefully you have a great doc. Keep us posted.

^^^what Lil said. Take care W.

Wildeye 04-02-2017 05:40 PM

Lil I'm sorry you got scorched.

I'm on a good regime and excellent medical support.

But, and it is a but , it changes lives. Forever.

Not one you can easily talk about, except here.

Just be careful folks. We all love sex and erotica, just play safe.


BlindTurtle 07-17-2017 11:53 AM

Got burned as well once, but nothing compared to you. Sometimes it's better to stick to pics and stories, instead of gambling your relationship away for a quicky. Wishing you well.

lizH 10-14-2018 10:20 PM

I'm sorry this happened to you. Although I've been pretty inactive on this site for a long time now, I really enjoyed your stories.

I hope you get a good treatment regimen, and hope that you can continue to write for many years to come (or cum :angel: )

Wildeye 04-24-2019 04:44 PM

Liz. Thanks for your kind words. I will post some more tales.

Just life has been so so tough.


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