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mack606 07-23-2002 11:04 PM

Well, i for one do thank you for tell us how to do it right (right now i have it saved in word so i can brush up on it :^)

and as im still here im sorry for my part in the mindless fluff

"chip the glass | crack the plates | thats what Mr. 3m hates"
-a remix from the hobbit

xanne 07-24-2002 05:12 AM

Originally posted by Mr. 3G
Another good thread hijacked by mindless fluff.

Why do I even try??

Wouldn't you guys prefer a nice Tolkien foodfight or something?

Thank you Mr. 3G, you are now our hero!!!!! :o :D :D

It was a marvellous birthday present and we had an amazing time!!!!! My knees are still wobbly..........

Grumble 07-24-2002 05:39 AM

I havent had a subject to try it on yet but my horizon is brightening. It will not be till next January till I get to test it but I have copied it for prosperity

sassypantz 07-24-2002 06:25 PM

I'm sorry Mr. 3G - I started off with nothing but the best intentions!

Mr. 3G 07-25-2002 08:31 AM

A question came up over in LITEROTICA that should be posted here too...



SILVERBULLET asks: so will this work and still be the same if you are pregnant.......really really pregnant?




My suggestion and you should check with your doctor anyway but my advice and I offer this in the STRONGEST POSSIBLE TERMS is DO NOT NOT NOT DO THIS ON ANYBODY WHO IS PREGNANT !!! That includes a little bit pregnant or a LOT. DO NOT DO THIS!!

If you've read the threads you'll know that the G&ASpot orgasms are a series of PUSH OUT muscle spasms NOT like clitoral orgasms which are suck-in contractions and from everything I've seen and heard NOT nearly with the muscle intensity as a GSpot muscle contraction.

I BELIEVE that if you were to do this TECHNIQUE on a pregnant woman she would likely deliver. Unless you are two days from a normal delivery you may kill your baby.

To be honest I never considered the possibility that anybody would be dumb enough to try deep vaginal or hard poking during pregnancy. Doctors warn AGAINST rough intercourse during pregnancy and the G&ASpot TECHNIQUE is
rough. Stick to stimulating her clit during pregnancy.

Coach Knight 07-26-2002 08:38 AM

What is the difference between a woman's G-spot and a golf ball?
A man will search for 15 minutes for a golf ball.

I am in one of those moods today.


Mytaru 07-26-2002 12:39 PM

Re: Arggh!
Originally posted by Mr. 3G
Another good thread hijacked by mindless fluff.

Why do I even try??

Wouldn't you guys prefer a nice Tolkien foodfight or something?

About the bindless fluff...if you can't flirt in a thread about G-spots...where can you flirt!?

Mr. 3G 07-26-2002 01:23 PM

Go private. Go MSN-M. Go Email. Go to a thread where serious discussion ISN'T happening. People who ARE interested in improving their sex lives (those readers who are old enough at least) start reading the thread, look for advice and suggestions from other readers. When they start reading pages of fluff they give up.

Anybody can post whatever & wherever they want in here. I'm just asking for a little common sense and consideration. There are lots of threads where there lots of fluff and personal banter going on. There are other threads where people are actually learning stuff and improving their love lives. I'm not trying to kybosh the fun stuff. Plenty of room for that. On the other hand I've received over 400 PMs and Emails from people who have asked questions or sent in posts telling of trying the Technique and having it work like neither of them ever imagined. That's GREAT.

Like I said, if people start seeing silly stuff on the interesting threads they just give up / go away / the thread dies and THAT's what bugs me.

Mr. 3G 08-25-2002 03:23 AM

Any more success stories out there? I'm getting lots of pms but nobody is posting. Howcum? Shy? You should share. It gives a lot of other people the incentive to try it if they read it's working for other readers.

xanne 08-25-2002 10:09 AM

Geee, this is kinda embarassing, so I will spare the details. The technique WORKED super!!!! :D and is quite addictive (oh damn, now that s/o is not here anymore to do this for me) . I never realised that I could be "that" multi-orgasmic. Once I think both clitoral and G-spot orgasms hit at the same time and WOW it was incredible, just incredible!!!! :D :D I think I must have woken the neighbours <blush> :o

You have to try it for yourself!!!

IndulgenceX2 08-25-2002 06:45 PM

Mr. 3G,
Ok, I'll try a public posting of this.
If I can get my hands (and rest of body) under enough control to type.
Works. Very well. \
Swear it also scrambles neurons.

xanne 08-27-2002 08:24 AM

Originally posted by IndulgenceX2

Swear it also scrambles neurons.

I have to agree with Indulgence, it does scramble, fry and toast those neurons, :D:D But what a way to go..........

GermanSteve 08-27-2002 11:34 AM

Originally posted by xanne
(oh damn, now that s/o is not here anymore to do this for me)

Can I lend you my hands, Xanne? ;) :D

Mr. 3G 08-27-2002 04:15 PM

It gives a WHOLE new meaning when somebody tells you they're :


OH YEAH! :rolleyes: :D :D

Mr. 3G 09-23-2002 02:17 AM


With Beliar claiminmg an astounding TWICE in ten minutes (twice WHAT is still a mystery but congrats anyway) I thought I'd bump the GSpot thread. Twice in ten minutes is a slow night when I'm playing. But then again I'm not blowing anybody while I'm doing this.

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