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Lilith 03-04-2003 11:57 AM

Well....... now that is some question!

The simple answer would be in the mind. When you are so overcome by desire, passion, need, what at first seems painful often is realized to be a manifestation of the pleasure the other person is derriving from your body. In many sexual scenarios pain is explored in a loving way. If I don't care about someone I would never take the time to explore aspects of pleasure and pain with them. But in the end......it's all about the nervous system! If yur brain is sending out gooey sexy message they may override the pain sensors.

airhog 03-04-2003 05:50 PM

Okay lillith here is question five I belive.

Silk and lace or leather and vinyl?

Lilith 03-04-2003 06:07 PM

airhog~ leather, latex, pvc:p

TinkerBell69 03-05-2003 08:02 AM

What is the biggest turn on? (NO TOUCHING! lol)

Lilith 03-05-2003 08:07 AM

Tinkerbell69~ Someone who respects me and is interested in my views, opinions and feelings......

Next up is IAKaraokeGirl

IAKaraokeGirl 03-05-2003 08:19 AM

Somehow, I had a premonition of this. :D

Ask away--I'll do my best. :)

TinkerBell69 03-05-2003 09:00 AM

What is the most embarassing thing you've ever said/done during sex?

IAKaraokeGirl 03-05-2003 09:10 AM

Okay--let's start with an easy one. ;) :D :p

On my honeymoon, my husband and I were doing a little food play. We had gotten some rather good-sized strawberries, and he had placed one where he could have the pleasure of retrieving it with his mouth. Unfortunately, he pushed it in a little too far...and couldn't get it out. We tried for ten minutes or so when the panic started in for him...he started imagining having to take me to the emergency room and trying to explain this situation. Fortunately, I discovered that evening that I have pretty strong muscles, and I pushed it out on my own. :D

Ando3 03-05-2003 11:32 AM

What is your biggest fantasy that you think will get fufilled someday??

Sugarsprinkles 03-05-2003 11:58 AM

Have you ever embarassed yourself while singing karaoke? And if so, what happened?

IAKaraokeGirl 03-05-2003 12:07 PM

Gosh, you all don't go easy, do you?

Ando, first:

It was suggested to me that I should answer, "Having Ando3 show up on my doorstep unexpectedly someday." :D

A lot of my fantasies involve being seduced, by someone I know in real life or someone I "know" otherwise. And, as I think I posted in that thread, I do have fantasies about being taken advantage of, not having control...I haven't found anyone to role play that fully with me.

So...nothing really "out there" in my fantasy world--I've already done *those* things. ;)


Well, several things come to mind right off the bat. I was at karaoke with my sister one night and I got up for the first time by myself. I was going to sing the Carpenters' "Close to You," something I sing to my son all of the time. As the music started...the words stopped. The music continued, though, so I made a split second decision and sang along...without words. :) Then, I think it was the same night, my sister and I got up to sing, "Games People Play" by the Alan Parsons Project...only we'd forgotten that there is a 1:42 musical interval in the middle...so we stood...and stood...and stood...and felt like idiots until it was time to sing again. :)

One of the first times I did karaoke, I got up to sing "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." LOVE that song. Well, I get up there and the song starts...just in time for me to figure out it's the seven minute, mostly TALKING, not singing, version. From that point on, I've always reminded myself that it's the Tammi Terrell version I want, NOT the Diana Ross one. I thought that song would never end!

Ando3 03-05-2003 12:10 PM

the line forms behind me to fufil that fantasy IKG....

IAKaraokeGirl 03-05-2003 02:16 PM

I knew you had an ulterior motive, Ando. ;)

Aqua 03-05-2003 02:31 PM

What is your favorite song to sing?

IAKaraokeGirl 03-05-2003 04:31 PM

Hmmmm...*this* post could take a long time. ;)

If you mean as in karaoke, the ones you are most likely to hear me sing are:

Let Me Be There~Olivia Newton-John
I Honestly Love You~Olivia Newton-John
Again~Janet Jackson
Dancing Queen~ABBA

I've also been known to karaoke in public to:

Billy, Don't Be a Hero~Bo Donaldson
Hot Child in the City~Nick Gilder
We Built this City~Starship
I Will Survive~Gloria Gaynor
What About Me~Moving Pictures
Shadows of the Night~Pat Benetar
I Think I Love You~Partridge Family

I'm soooooo tempted to sing the Divinyl's "I Touch Myself" at karaoke one night, especially after I watched a group perform it this weekend, but I don't want to offend these poor Iowa farmers.


At home or in the car, you could find me singing to any of those, but I listen/sing a lot to ABBA, Olivia Newton-John, Wilson Phillips, Styx, Chicago, REO Speedwagon, anything from the 80s...hell, anything from the 70s, 60s, and 50s, if you want to be honest. Newer stuff, too. Usually if there's music on, I'm singing. Sing when I'm dancing, too. :D

Then, of course, I sing in my church choir and in community choruses, but they haven't yet let me break out with any Cyndi Lauper or anything. ;)

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