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dobbydog 03-02-2002 06:32 PM


I see you found a new playground. Upsetting the members here like you did at Lit I see.

How mature of you.

And before you say anything, I haven't registered yet, nor do I wish to. I come here to read the stories, no more no less, so no need to register. I am not into the board thing. Not since the incident at Lit. Thank you very much.

~~An old friend~~

PlayfulTigress 03-02-2002 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Sharniqua

I maybe wrong here....but you seem to be implying Tigress that it was a hiding registered member that made the first comment....exactly what are you basing this assumption on?..... Just curious.

Well, at Literotica there is something called trolls. They are cowards who would prefer to post as "unregistered" to try to torture someone and make their life hell, instead of being a mature adult and voicing their own opinion as a name people would know and recognize. I guess, that because of Lit, I got a bit defensive here. And, with the most recent unregistered posting here, I'd say it looks like a Literotica troll has come here to start shit. :( If the were an adult they would simply come to me and tell me whatever it was I "did" to upset them. These childish games get very old very fast. ~sigh~

Sharni 03-02-2002 06:59 PM

Unregistered - Tigress is a part of the Pixies family here...Whatever happened or whatever you said happened at Lit....i dont really care...keep it to yourself...

Thank you

dobbydog 03-02-2002 07:01 PM


I am not a troll.
You do know me very well.
I, not only know you from Lit but also AA.
So please don't call me childish.
If I remember correctly it is you that is childish.

I won't bother replying to this thread anymore.
Don't want to waste my breath on you.
Have a good life and Prophet, be careful dude.

~~An old friend~~

PlayfulTigress 03-02-2002 07:02 PM

Thank you Sharniqua.

dobbydog 03-03-2002 06:04 AM

Originally posted by Prophet Reality

Of all the people, I never suspected Bilbo to come out and make a comment like this. Whatever happened to "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all." Playful and I tried to bring our taste and style here, and did not recieve much encouragement from members. Many views, but no comments though. Then we get an unregistered, immature child make a stupid comment.

1. I have noticed with in other threads that Prophet Reality and PlayfulTigress, have both been rather graphic with your comments to other thread users and menbers, so I am asumming that your comment about, "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.", onlt appies if the comment is directed at a thread that you are involved in

2. I never mentioned YOU at all Prophet

Hey Bilbo, have you ever thought of maybe making encouraging comments. Like for instance, "I wouldn't say advanced, maybe different and unique." [QUOTE]

I also have made what I believe to be some very encouraging comments, but given your responce to my comments, a you also may feel that your intellect is above them.
Never have I tried to display myself as better than anyone at pixies

[QUOTE]And Bilbo, I think I can say that I am more grown up then a lot of the people that visit. After all, no one what I have endured in my life or yours either. So instead of making discouraging comments, how about helpful and supportive ones next time.[/COLOR]

No one has even entertained the idea of your maturity,
but before shooting off a t the mouth so to speak, maybe YOU should have read what was acctually posted, and maybe YOU will see that you comments are far from what i said.

And one last thing Prophet

Where do you get off PMing Sharniqua with your "What the fuck is Bilbo talking about" attitude!
If you are as goos as you have just said WHY did you not PM me,
or is it you feel a much bigger man pushing your attitude on the females

[QUOTE]Originally posted by PlayfulTigress
It's not a matter of if Prophet or I need to grow up.[QUOTE]

Tell me where i my previous posts did I mention Prophrt Reality?

Bilbo 03-03-2002 06:08 AM

And I'm getting sick and tired of this thing logging me out as I'm posting

legend 03-03-2002 06:46 AM

I don't look at these threads very often so I assume no side whatsoever.....I respect people's right to post whatever story that interests them and whether I thought the theme was to my liking or not, I did like the style and maturity it showed.....I think some people, in the heat of the moment, said a few things that they didn't mean to say and probably regret....So how about we let bygones be bygones and let peace reign once again at Pixies?

By the way:
If unregistered people aren't brave enough to become members and post, then I say they're not worth worrying about.

According to the old saying- Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.

Smile - it's good exercise :)

legend 03-03-2002 06:56 AM

One last thing.....read the quote below, I think it applies.
\ /

PlayfulTigress 03-03-2002 05:21 PM

Originally posted by Unregistered
I have noticed with in other threads that Prophet Reality and PlayfulTigress, have both been rather graphic with your comments to other thread users and menbers...

I should not even be replying back to this thread to entertain the insanity here, but.... Have I? Show me where I have been "rather graphic" with my comments to others here at Pixies. I am sorry you do not like me, Bilbo, for whatever reason, but don't state lies about me.

If you have a problem with me, either IGNORE me or PM me about it so we can talk like mature adults without dragging BS on the boards anymore.

Prophet Reality 03-05-2002 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Unregistered
Have a good life and Prophet, be careful dude.
~~An old friend~~

Well, since I don't know who you are, I will take your advice as I need it. But thank you anyhow.

Prophet Reality 03-05-2002 11:19 PM

Now then to address the whole.
This thread was started as an experiment for myself and Playful. It was not started to upset, offend, or piss anyone off. I thought that it would be fun to bring my unique taste to this thread to share with my online family. But like I was told by someone here, we are a family and somtimes families have arguements and difference of opinions. I sincerely hope that this can all get worked out, and that this will be an end to the arguements. If I did upset or offend anyone, please take it up with me in private via PM's or email.

thesaintar 04-15-2002 04:53 PM

Y'all shouldn't care about some stupid geek making stupid comments, I think y'all should get Diva to erase his post and go on with the story, which was getting interesting by the way :S

Prophet Reality 04-16-2002 10:28 PM

Well I think that Playful Tigress has lost the mindset, but if anyone else would like to help me out with this story, I would be more thatn happy to give it another try.

Sugarsprinkles 04-17-2002 09:25 PM

Today is the first time I saw this thread. Although it's not a lifestyle I would actively participate in, I found the story very interesting. It looked very promising. It's just unfortunate that a petty and childish dipute had to de-rail it. Don't people know what PM's are for? I've seen a couple of juvenile responses on the chat forums, but rather than get in a "pissing contest" I just let it go right by without comment.
I certainly miss Tigress on the chat boards...she posted some very thought-provoking threads. If you are in contact with her, Prophet, please wish her well for me and let her know she is missed.
I'm really not a writer, but if I were, I'd be happy to try to help you finish it. I hope you find another co-writer.

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