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View Full Version : I'm too big!

10-27-2007, 02:17 PM
So Pixies, it's been a couple years and I've grown a lot - some of you might remember me, and to those - I say hia!

Well, my problem is this - I broke up with my girlfriend recently, one of the many reasons was because well... I can't get all the way inside her when having sex. I'm a pretty large guy and well, she is about 5'4.

If I go to far I hurt her and well... that is not always the most fun sex, as you can probably understand.

So - is there anything that can be done?

One of my friends said I shouldn't be regretful over this factor in my decision to break up... that sexual problems (like this) are a common reason for divorce later in marriages.

I don't know - I want to be with her again.

10-27-2007, 03:55 PM
What does her height have to do with whether or not she is sufficiently turned on and lubricated enough to accommodate your size?

10-27-2007, 04:59 PM
..... I broke up with my girlfriend recently, one of the many reasons was because .....
I think I see the key word that is getting more than it's fair share of ranking.

10-27-2007, 05:02 PM
Lilith - It seems more like I'm hitting something, that she is too shallow

PantyFanatic: As in, I didn't just break up with her over the sex. We had relationship problems thaat we could have worked on.

10-27-2007, 05:08 PM
I thought so too ;)

10-27-2007, 05:14 PM
Was she complaining?

10-27-2007, 05:26 PM
It's more of an "ow, don't go any further"

10-27-2007, 05:55 PM
I couldn't be hitting her cervix could I? Cause... that'd suck

10-27-2007, 08:47 PM
Hi techno, The problem is familiar to me. Nearly every woman whom has made love with me was apprehensive about my fully engorged penis making it all the way inside of her. In every case, I stopped, we slowed our advance and soon after some more play, sharing of hearts and some lubricating licking and softplay we were able to get the entire cock inside of her very wet, wanting vagina. Also, in every case I did reach the fullest depth inside of her lovely, revved up pussy without any discomfort. It was because I stopped and listened and took the helps seriously. We made love. I ruined a few. Of course, I'm ruined. The bigger the better in me! However, it is still true that size sometimes doesn't matter when the heart is fully involved!

10-27-2007, 11:50 PM
your saying it doesn't matter how big you are?

10-28-2007, 12:51 AM
I'm not a tiny girl, but I've never had a problem. A combination of lube, foreplay, and patience works...for men of *any* size.

10-28-2007, 03:00 AM
your saying it doesn't matter how big you are?

As others have already said.. no it doesn't matter as long as she is turned on enough.

10-28-2007, 12:40 PM
your saying it doesn't matter how big you are?Correct, with extreme rare exceptions.
It is possible for an extraordinarily well hung man to attempt to fully penetrate a rather tiny woman with a porportionally tiny vagina. In that case the wmoan might be so incredibly sexually voracious that even a ridiculously massive cock won't phase her, or she's plumb daft; or the male in his maleness is as stupid as his cock is over sized (like his ego) and he proceeds to injure the woman and cause her tearing and probably long term vaginal complications. Bottom line: Sex is good and right. Forcefull copulation fucks up everything.

10-28-2007, 03:09 PM
OK, just to add to what people have said here, the cervix is a mobile body part (ask any midwife). I don't really understand the mechanics of it, but I do know that it is capable of raising and lowering which something over which a woman does not have control.

From personal experience, I've noticed that Fussy sometimes struggles to make it all the way inside me these days but that we never had that problem back in the days when we were in a long distance relationship and always had about 2 weeks of mental foreplay before having sex. Obviously these days, with the pressures of not waking the baby, my tension sometimes about him hurting me where my stitches are and the obvious, been-together-five-years-and-see-each-other-every-day I'm probably less turned on than in those heady early days. I tell you this as a personal observation which supports other people's advice here - it's NOT a complaint about my own relationship. We're more than happy with our sex life.

10-29-2007, 07:16 AM
Hiya TechnoGuy!

To touch further on what Loulabelle said...How long had you been with your ex TG? Was there ever a time when she didn't say, "Ow"? Was she your first and only thus far?

Because really hun...her height has NOTHING to do with the size of her vagina! I'm not any taller than your ex and I've been with a man I had to measure out of extreme curiousity. He measured 10 1/2" and 5 3/4" around. It was yummy for me because the sight of him turned me on soooooooooooo very much!

And conversely...a big man, in stature, doesn't necessarily make a big man with a big penis. We might need to see pics of you fully erect and next to a tape measure to judge what you might think is "too big"!

Sneaky ^^^ ...ain't I? :wtp:

Wicked Wanda
11-01-2007, 08:51 PM
I have to butt in here.

I am tiny, 4'10", with a "small vagina". It stretches just fine, thank you, but it is NOT the width of a penis that is an issue for me! I learned a long time ago that with sufficient foreplay I can accommodate an amazing degree of... uhhh, well, "spread". Any woman can.

But my "vaginal vault" (not my favorite anatomical term) is proportionably a bit shallow. I have had very "long" men penetrate me without problem, so long as the "hard slamming fuck" is avoided. If he hits my cervix, it HURTS! This impact can even cause spotting, the cervix is prone to a type of easy bruising and bleeding from what you would think would be a minor "bump"

I have learned to be VERY careful with toys, especially lengthy double ended dildos, as they can be very painful if I or my partner get carried away with thrusting.

The cervix is very mobile, actually responding to sexual excitement, including a "dipping motion" during orgasm so that the os, the opening in the cervix, is dipped into the vaginal pool, (the lake of sperm and vaginal secretions that forms in the vagina during intercourse) to facilitate impregnation. When doing a vaginal exam noting the mobility of the cervix is part of the exam.

If the two of you were still together I would suggest she have a full GYN exam to make sure she is not suffering from another problem, such as a partially intact hymen, or a bifurcated cervix or similar abnormality that limits her ability to receive a large penis.

Also if she has certain infections, like PID, vaginitis, or a chronic cervical inflammation from infection or even dysplasia, or she has endometriosis, fibroids, or an ovarian cyst, even an abdominal adhesion (if she has ever had any abdominal surgeries).

The bottom line is that if she hurts during intercourse, she needs to be exmained. I have NEVER found a penis I couldn't accommodate, no matter how long he was, so long as there was some control during fucking.

If you are a a fan of the "hard angry, slamming fuck" then this is more likely YOUR issue, and I don't mean the size of your penis.

(drops her Nurse's Uniform in relief)



11-02-2007, 02:49 AM
WW, you always put it perfectly, and you always provide us with an education.

Thanks sweetheart.

And Technoguy, I'm not sure how well you know WW but just in case you don't....I don't know anyone as qualified (both academically and from personal experience) as she is to comment on this thread.

11-02-2007, 08:48 AM
(the lake of sperm and vaginal secretions that forms in the vagina during intercourse)

:sad: :loveshowe :slurp:

(drops her Nurse's Uniform in relief)


11-02-2007, 11:13 AM
To build on Wanda's point, I've been with two men wo were both large and thick - both of them over 9" - and had two different experiences.

One guy liked to thrust (and I always enjoyed it during the act, too) and we'd sometimes forget foreplay until later. I *always* ended up bleeding after, and I suspect this is the cervix bleeding as Wanda said.

The other guy was very good at foreplay and was less focused on hard and fast thrusting. I never once bled after sex with him. And he was of the same size as the first, just had different technique.

I think the difference with me is that I *like* a little pain during sex - so I never associated the bleeding with something really bad. But I guess it's probably not healthy to bleed all the time.

Wicked Wanda
11-03-2007, 08:13 PM
"I don't know anyone as qualified (both academically and from personal experience) as she is to comment on this thread."


I want everyone here to have happy sex lives. I can't fuck all of you (as much as I ould love to try) so the next best thing is sharing what I know.

Hmmm... Somehow that sounded much better in my head before I wrote it, but you know what I mean.

Besides, I like a little pain during sex too.



11-08-2007, 11:20 AM
"I don't know anyone as qualified (both academically and from personal experience) as she is to comment on this thread."


I want everyone here to have happy sex lives. I can't fuck all of you (as much as I ould love to try) so the next best thing is sharing what I know.

Hmmm... Somehow that sounded much better in my head before I wrote it, but you know what I mean.

I do know what ya mean.

Ironic how the more clinical & un-sexy you try to talk, the more you turn me on... :molest: